Home Bulls Best ointments to cure external and internal hemorrhoids

Best ointments to cure external and internal hemorrhoids


Some good examples of hemorrhoid remedies are Hemovirtus, Imescard, Proctosan, Proctyl and Ultraproct, which can be used after the indication of the general practitioner or proctologist in a medical consultation.

Hemorrhoid ointments work by causing analgesia, reducing inflammation, and can also have healing or moisturizing action:

  • Bepantol Derma - is a healing and moisturizing ointment, which can be used to relieve external hemorrhoids, since it contains vitamin B5, Dexpantenol, responsible for nourishing and strengthening the skin, stimulating its formation and natural regeneration. The price of Bepantol Derma varies between R $ 25.00 and R $ 40.00. Proctosan - is an anesthetic, vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and soothing ointment, used in the treatment and prevention of external hemorrhoids, relieving pain, inflammation, burning, itching and swelling. The price of Proctosan varies between R $ 30.00 and R $ 40.00. Proctyl - is an anesthetic and astringent ointment, which can be used to treat internal or external hemorrhoids, which treats pain and inflammation, and constricts blood vessels, thus stopping bleeding. Proctyl's price varies between R $ 35.00 and R $ 45.00. Hemovirtus - is an anesthetic, soothing, anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor ointment, which can be used in the treatment of internal or external hemorrhoids, which treats pain and inflammation and compresses blood vessels, thus preventing the loss of fluids or blood. The price of Hemovirtus varies between R $ 17.00 and R $ 22.00. Ultraproct - is an ointment with corticosteroids and local anesthetic, with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action, which relieves pain, swelling, burning and itching. This ointment can be used both in the treatment of internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. The price of Ultraproct varies between R $ 20.00 and R $ 30.00.

Some of these ointments, such as Proctyl, Hemovirtus or Ultraproct, can even be used after surgery for hemorrhoids, according to the indications given by the proctologist.

Ointments for hemorrhoids in pregnancy and postpartum

None of these ointments should be used on pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding without medical advice. Therefore, if the pregnant woman or the breastfeeding woman feels discomfort with hemorrhoids, she should go to the doctor, so that he prescribes the most appropriate and least harmful medicine for the baby.

Homemade and natural ointments for hemorrhoids

Homemade and natural ointments for hemorrhoids can also be useful to relieve pain and discomfort, because they moisturize the skin and fight inflammation. Some examples of these natural ointments are:

1. Homemade ointment based on witch hazel: this is a natural ointment, which can be prepared at home, its main ingredient being barks of the Hamamelis virginica plant. This ointment can be applied daily to external hemorrhoids, relieving pain, discomfort and irritation.


  • 4 tablespoons of witch hazel bark; 60 ml of liquid paraffin; 60 ml of glycerin.


In a pan add the witch hazel barks and liquid paraffin, let it boil for 5 minutes. Then strain the mixture, add the glycerin and mix well. Finally, place the obtained ointment in a container with a lid and keep in the refrigerator.

Watch the video with the preparation mode:

2. Nelsons H + Care Haemorrhoid Relief Cream ointment: this is a natural ointment, made with natural ingredients such as Horse Chestnut, Witch Hazel, Calendula and Peony, which treats, relieves and softens external hemorrhoids, providing relief from irritation, pain and itching, also improving venous circulation. This is a homeopathic ointment, which can be purchased over the internet, in some pharmacies and handling pharmacies.

In addition, Gilbardeira is another medicinal plant used in the treatment of hemorrhoids, as it tones and reduces the swelling of blood vessels, also improving blood circulation.

How to use

To use the hemorrhoid ointment, apply a small amount of the ointment 2 to 3 times a day, or according to medical advice or the information contained in the package insert, and always after evacuation and after washing the anal area with water. and soap. The duration of treatment will depend on whether the hemorrhoid is internal or external, and should be indicated by the doctor.

In the treatment for external hemorrhoids, the ointment must be applied to the external region of the anus, and its application must be done with a gentle massage, until the complete absorption of the ointment. Learn more about the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

In the treatment for internal hemorrhoids, the ointment must be applied using a tube with an applicator, so that the ointment can be introduced into the anus. After application, the applicator should be washed with running water and soap. Learn more about the treatment of internal hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid Care Tips

Treatment for internal or external hemorrhoids can be done using measures such as avoiding the use of toilet paper and washing the anal area with soap and water after bowel movements, avoid making a lot of effort to evacuate and eating a diet rich in fiber, for example, using pain and inflammation remedies like Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.

In addition, it may also be recommended to have a bandage or sclerotherapy treatment, or even hemorrhoid surgery, at the doctor's office. See how the surgery is performed and its recovery.

Another tip to treat hemorrhoids naturally, is to use teas to drink and to do sitz baths.

Best ointments to cure external and internal hemorrhoids