Home Symptoms Benefits of vitamin b6 in pregnancy

Benefits of vitamin b6 in pregnancy


Vitamin b6 is important during pregnancy and helps to combat the nausea and vomiting that are common at this stage and further decreases the likelihood of postpartum depression.

Although it is easily found in foods such as bananas, potatoes, hazelnuts and spinach, there may be a need to take a supplement of this vitamin, especially since it has the following benefits:

  1. Combat nausea and vomiting because it acts on the parasympathetic nervous system by reducing this stimulus; Improve the immune system; Fight neuralgia because it improves nerve conduction between peripheral nerves; Prevent anemia; Prevent postpartum depression because it maintains the most constant levels of serotonin and also the concentration of vitamin B6 in the body, since its decrease favors the onset of depression in this phase.

The daily dose required during pregnancy is 1.9 mg and during breastfeeding is 2 mg. A banana has 0.7 mg of vitamin 6 so for those who need to increase the consumption of this vitamin, they should consume at least 3 bananas throughout the day, but even so there may be no improvement in the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, being necessary to take supplements of vitamin B6 alone or in combination.

How to take Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 supplementation should be taken according to medical advice, but it is generally recommended to take between 50 and 200 mg of pyridoxine per day, the maximum recommended dose being 500 mg per day because it can lead to adverse effects such as numbness and difficulty to walk, and can even compromise the baby's safety.

Some names of supplements for pregnant women that contain vitamin B6 are Maternal, Damater, Ogestan plus and Dramin B6.

Benefits of vitamin b6 in pregnancy