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10 Reasons to consume more zinc


Zinc is a very important mineral for maintaining health because it participates in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. Thus, when it is low in the body, it can cause several changes, especially in the immune system and in the production of hormones.

The main sources of zinc are animal foods such as oysters, shrimp, and beef, chicken, fish and liver. Wheat germ, whole grains, nuts, cereals, vegetables and tubers are also rich in zinc, but fruits and vegetables in general, despite having zinc, are not the best sources because they do not allow good absorption of this mineral.

Health benefits of zinc

There are several reasons to justify the importance of eating foods rich in zinc, however, some of the most important include:

  1. Contributes to soft, shiny hair, combating hair loss; Helps in the absorption of vitamin A; Helps in the treatment of depression; Stimulates thyroid function; Protects against infections because it acts on the immune system; Prevents type 2 diabetes; Facilitates the healing of wounds; Prevents the appearance of cancer; Helps in the treatment of acne; Prevents cancer and aging, by having antioxidant action.

However, as it participates in most bodily reactions, zinc has other important actions, especially at the neuronal and hormonal levels.

How to consume zinc

Zinc is a mineral that is not produced by the human body, so it needs to be ingested through food. Foods that have more zinc include those of animal origin, such as oysters, beef and liver, however, some foods of plant origin are also a good option, such as almond and pumpkin seeds. Thus, eating a diet that includes this type of food is enough to keep zinc levels regulated.

However, when there is a lack of zinc in the body, in addition to food, it may also be necessary to supplement with zinc, but in this case, it is very important that there is guidance from a doctor or nutritionist, since the excess zinc also can end up being harmful.

Check out a list of the 15 most zinc-rich foods.

How to know if I lack zinc

Healthy people who eat a variety of foods rarely have a lack of zinc. However, the only way to be sure if there is a lack of zinc in the body is to do a blood or urine test to quantify the amount of this mineral. The reference values ​​for zinc in the blood are 70 to 120 µg / dL and up to 900 µg / g in the urine.

Zinc deficiency can also lead to symptoms such as:

  • Delays in wound healing; Weak, fragile and whitish nails; Dry and brittle hair; Hair loss; Changes in taste.

In addition to a diet low in zinc, the lack of this mineral is more frequent in people who have hemodialysis sessions or who have a case of severe or persistent diarrhea. Some medications can also lead to this deficiency and include: antihypertensive drugs, thiazide diuretics, omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate, for example.

Harm of excess zinc for health

Just as deficiency is harmful, excess zinc can also be harmful to health and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, fever and stomach pain. Some situations that can lead to this increase are excessive Zinc supplementation and in case of diseases such as chronic heart failure, osteosarcoma or atherosclerosis, for example.

10 Reasons to consume more zinc