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15 Tips to lose weight and lose belly


Creating good eating habits and practicing regular physical activity are important measures that contribute to weight reduction and improve quality of life. Weight loss in a healthy way has many benefits, such as increased energy and disposition, improved self-esteem, better control of hunger and strengthening of the immune system.

The ideal way to lose weight in a healthy way and have a flat abdomen is to seek guidance from a nutritionist so that a complete nutritional assessment is carried out with a diet plan adapted to the person's needs. It is also important to seek help from a personal trainer so that a training plan is indicated according to the goal you want to achieve. These strategies allow for progressive and sustained weight loss over time.

Check out 15 tips to reduce belly, lose weight and get fit in a few days:

1. Eat raw and high fiber foods

Raw, fiber-rich foods help improve bowel function and digestion, preventing constipation. In addition, they help you lose weight because they increase the feeling of satiety. They also help to keep the intestinal microbiota healthy, decreasing the risk of irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

Some examples of foods with a high fiber content in the composition are oats, brown bread, raw carrots, apples, flaxseeds, lentils, lettuce, cucumbers, chia seeds, mushrooms, pear, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, among others.

2. Avoid sugary drinks

Sugary drinks such as soft drinks, including light and diet, and industrialized juices should be avoided, as they contribute to the accumulation of fat at the abdominal level, as well as other health problems, such as cavities, obesity or diabetes, for example.

3. Avoid frying

Fried foods should also be avoided, since in addition to providing a lot of calories, they also increase the amount of trans and saturated fats, favoring the increase of LDL cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity, due to its accumulation in the body.

The ideal is to prepare grilled, steamed or cooked foods, using natural spices, such as aromatic herbs and pepper to flavor foods.

4. Avoid processed foods

It is important to avoid consuming sauces such as ketchup and mayonnaise, for example, in addition to frozen processed foods or other processed products, as these foods have more salt and promote water retention, increasing the feeling of bloating. In addition, processed foods generally have many preservatives in their composition, which can be harmful to health.

5. Start meals with a plate of salad

Starting meals with a shallow plate of salad or soup, serves to increase the feeling of satiety and control appetite. Eating a pear or an apple, about 20 minutes before lunch and dinner is also a good trick to increase satiety and decrease appetite, as they are fruits rich in fiber, allowing a decrease in the amount of food you eat during main foods.

6. Practice physical exercise

Doing some physical activity on a regular basis, in addition to helping to lose weight and reduce waist circumference, also improves blood circulation, well-being and self-confidence. In addition, it contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular and chronic diseases, such as diabetes, for example. Here's how to do 3 simple exercises at home.

7. Speed ​​up metabolism

Some ways to increase metabolism are to consume red pepper, green tea, ginger and ice water, because these foods are thermogenic and help the body lose calories, even if the person is standing still.

Discover other thermogenic foods to lose weight.

8. Eat slowly and chew your food well

Eating slowly, in a calm environment and chewing your food well allows satiety signals to reach your brain, indicating that your stomach is full. Acquiring this habit avoids eating too much food, favoring weight loss.

9. Eat 6 meals a day

The ideal is to have about 6 meals a day and chew your food well. When eating slowly, the brain is given time to understand that it already has food in the stomach and prevents the person from eating more than necessary. In addition, it also increases the time of contact with the taste buds, increasing the feeling of satiety.

10. Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty of water helps to eliminate toxins accumulated in the body and hydrate the intestine, regulating its function. It is recommended to consume 2 to 2.5 L of water per day, and should be consumed between meals.

People who are not used to drinking water can taste it by adding a slice of lemon or cucumber, for example, which would allow them to increase their consumption more easily.

Discover other health benefits of water.

11. Avoid sweets

You should avoid eating foods that have sugar in their composition, such as desserts, cakes, ice cream or chocolates, for example and give preference to citrus fruits and rich in fiber, which also have a sweet taste and help to reduce the desire to eat sweets.

12. Reduce the consumption of fats

It is important to avoid all sources of added fats, such as margarine, sausages, sausages, poultry skin or meat fat, for example. Instead, you should eat foods with fats that are beneficial to the body, such as avocado, nuts, olive oil or fish.

13. Reduce carbohydrate consumption

In order to lose weight and lose belly, you should not eat more than one carbohydrate source food per meal. For example, if the person eats a potato, they do not need to eat rice, bread or pasta at the same meal, but instead, accompany the dish with a salad or vegetables, for example.

14. Read the packaging labels

A very important gesture for people who want to lose weight, is to read the labels of the food packaging in the supermarket carefully, before buying, in order to avoid taking home high calorie foods or with a high content of sugars or saturated fats. In addition, care should also be taken whether the label information refers to the entire package or just a portion.

15. Follow the tips in a regular way

These tips should be followed daily so that the body gets used to the changes. The person can weigh himself every 10 days, so as not to generate anxiety, but it must always be at the same time and on the same scale.

In addition, to accompany weight loss it is important to measure the waist with a tape measure, passing the tape over the navel and note the values ​​to better understand the evolution of weight loss, until reaching good shape.

See other tips for healthy weight loss:

15 Tips to lose weight and lose belly