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Reiki: what it is, main benefits and principles


Reiki is a technique created in Japan that consists of the laying on of hands to transfer energy from one person to another and it is believed that this way it is possible to align energy centers of the body, known as chakras, promoting the energy balance, necessary for maintain physical and mental well-being.

Before conducting the Reiki session, the therapist of this technique, called a Reikian, will make an energetic cleansing in the environment, so that a spirit and awareness of harmony and love is ensured. During the sessions the Reikian will place his hands on a person's body in order to change the oscillation or vibration of the energies and this has some proven benefits such as pain relief and reduction of anxiety and stress symptoms.

The practice of Reiki is safe and does not have any side effects, nor is it linked to a religion, and it can be accepted by people of different origins and beliefs. It can also be applied in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques, such as acupuncture, for example. See more what acupuncture is and what it is for.

Main benefits

The realization of Reiki involves the transfer of vital energy that makes the body in balance, generating a sense of well-being, improving mood and promoting physical health. In this type of therapy meditation techniques and breathing exercises are used, leading to some benefits such as:

1. Decreases symptoms of stress and anxiety

This type of therapy can be an excellent ally for the treatment of anxiety, due to the feeling of relaxation and well-being it provides. Consequently, through Reiki it is also possible to reduce the symptoms of stress, which cause anxiety, promoting the feeling of inner peace and serving as a tranquilizer, as breathing and meditation techniques are used.

Some clinics and Reikian therapists can teach the person himself how to use the principles of Reiki on a daily basis so that it is possible to apply the technique in times of greater stress and anxiety.

2. Help in treating depression

Reiki can be used to help the treatment of depression, because through the application of hand laying techniques it is possible to align the vital energy of the body and reduce the symptoms caused by this disease, such as excessive sadness, physical tiredness and loss of energy and interest in activities that previously generated pleasure.

Before starting Reiki sessions, it is important to consult with a psychiatrist so that the person can be evaluated, as in most cases, treatment with antidepressant drugs is recommended. Reiki can be used in conjunction with drug treatment and can enhance the positive effects. Check out more how depression treatment is done.

3. Reduces chronic pain

The relaxation produced during Reiki practice contributes to the reduction of chronic pain, such as pain in the spine and head, as it is able to reduce muscle tension and fatigue, for example. Thus, it may be necessary to reduce the use of analgesic pills and muscle relaxants, however, it is recommended not to fail to follow up with the doctor, who may be an orthopedist or neurologist.

In addition, the effects of Reiki on chronic pain can be felt in the first sessions, as the Reikian will slow down the person's energy, changing vibration and speed, producing waves aligned in the chakras equivalent to the affected organs.

4. Relieves insomnia symptoms

The feeling of well-being caused by Reiki is able to increase the release of hormones such as serotonin and endorphins, which are excellent allies to ward off insomnia. And yet, Reiki causes relaxation, which also acts for a better night's sleep.

See below a video with other tips on how to end insomnia:

5. Improves quality of life

Through the techniques applied in Reiki, quality of life can be improved, as it is a type of therapy that releases emotional tensions, cleaning the mind, promoting inner relaxation. Reiki generates feelings of hope, well-being, joy, peace and self-confidence in the person and this makes it possible to carry out daily tasks more easily and more cheerfully.

These situations are ideal tools to improve the quality of life, so it can be said that Reiki is a therapy that can improve a person's physical and mental health.

Benefits of Reiki in pregnancy

The relaxation and calm provided by Reiki can be very useful during pregnancy, as they can reduce the insecurity and stress common during this period, and provide a more peaceful delivery.

In addition, stress control decreases the production of negative hormones, such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can cause increased blood pressure, pre-eclampsia and increase the risk of premature birth.

What are the principles

There are some fundamentals that were built by the founders of Reiki many years ago and were essential for the formulation of the principles of this technique. These principles of Reiki are used by the therapist to help a person follow the spiritual path, leading them to reflect, observe and gradually change negative behaviors. These principles are based on:

  • Do not be irritated; Do not worry; Be grateful; Work hard; Be kind and gentle.

During the session the person is led to think about these five principles with his eyes closed, trying to understand the cause of the problems.

When not to do Reiki

This practice should not replace treatments prescribed by the doctor, such as depression, high blood pressure, diabetes or asthma, for example. Reiki should be used for the relief of mild problems, and as a way to help treat diseases, and therefore, one should consult the general practitioner or the physician who accompanies the disease before starting this type of therapy.

Reiki: what it is, main benefits and principles