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7 Steps to Get Your Face Out of Sleep


To get the sleepy look when waking up, what you can do is take a cold shower because it quickly reduces swelling and makes you more ready for daily tasks. Applying a cold compress to the face right afterwards is also an excellent option to deflate the eyes mainly, and to complete the process you can apply a makeup that opens the eyes and looks up.

The swelling of the face happens mainly when waking up when the person has slept for many hours in a row or when he has not rested enough, and rarely represents a health problem, such as fluid retention. However, when this happens frequently, and if the feet and hands also become swollen, a medical evaluation is indicated.

Step by step to get rid of your face when you wake up

1. Take a cold shower

The benefits of taking a cold shower early in the morning include awakening and improving blood circulation, which helps to eliminate excess fluid between cells quickly and effectively. In addition, the person is more willing to perform their daily tasks.

2. Do an exfoliation on the face

You can use an industrialized scrub, or make a homemade mixture of cornmeal with moisturizer, and rub it on the skin, using circular movements. This helps to open the pores, eliminate dirt, and give the skin more smoothness and radiance.

3. Apply a cold compress

Having a gel compress inside the refrigerator is a good strategy to always have an easy resource that achieves great results, always at hand. The compress should be placed on the face, and lying or lying on the sofa or bed, for about 10 to 15 minutes. The facial swelling should decrease quickly and then the skin should be prepared for the next step, applying a facial tonic and moisturizer.

Anyone who does not have a gel pad in the refrigerator can wrap a small piece of ice on a napkin sheet and wipe across the face with circular movements, especially around the eyes.

4. Make a facial drain

Next, manual lymphatic drainage should be performed to permanently eliminate swelling of the face. To do this, the lymph nodes near the clavicle and on the side of the neck must be stimulated and then make the movements that 'push' the liquids into the lymphatic system. See the steps in this video:

5. Wear the right makeup

Next, apply a non-greasy base coat or BB cream over the entire face, and then invest in eye makeup, using darker eyeshadow tones and blending with a blending brush and beveled brush. You can also use mascara and eyeliner on the top of the eyes, and use a white eye pencil on the waterline in the inner corner of the eye, to 'open the eye'. Then you should finish by replacing the blush with bronze and apply lipstick, with the colors of your choice.

6. Pin the hair

Pinning your hair in a bun or making a ponytail on top of your head are also strategies that help keep your face thinner and that helps to open your eyes.

7. Diuretic breakfast

To finish the task, it is recommended to have a diuretic breakfast, preferring to eat a fruit and drink ginger tea, for example. You should not consume foods rich in sodium, such as processed foods such as bacon, ham or ham, nor fried or roasted snacks in the morning. During the day you should remember to drink plenty of water and diuretic teas, such as black tea and green tea, without sugar, throughout the day.

These strategies are excellent for eliminating the face of sleep in a short time and are easy to follow, but to bet on health and avoid waking up looking tired, one must avoid stress, respect the hours of sleep, and take a vacation whenever possible to rest your body and mind.

7 Steps to Get Your Face Out of Sleep