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5 Steps to Soothe Baby to Sleep All Night


The baby gets angry and cries when he is hungry, sleepy, cold, hot or when the diaper is dirty and so the first step to calm a baby who is super agitated is to satisfy his basic needs.

However, babies also crave affection and therefore they also cry when they want to be held, 'chat' or be with them because they are afraid of the dark and because they do not understand the world around them.

Here are some strategies for relaxing a baby who is very agitated but needs to sleep as soon as possible:

1. With a Pilates ball

This activity can be used in babies over 3 months old, which is when he is able to hold his neck better. The activity consists of:

  • Place the baby on his stomach on a ball large enough so that the baby's hands and feet do not touch the floor; Hold the baby by placing your hands on the baby's back andSlide the ball a few centimeters back and forth.

Another way to relax the baby is to sit with the baby on your lap on a Pilates ball and "bounce" the ball gently using your own body weight, as shown in the second image.

Doing this exercise for 3 to 5 minutes is good because the swinging motion of the ball is very relaxing and soothes the baby, but you need to feel safe during the activity for it to work. It is also important to use gentle movements so as not to further stimulate the child.

2. Give a bath

A warm bath is a great strategy to keep your baby at ease. Letting the jet of water fall on your baby's back and shoulders for a few minutes while talking to him calmly can help to change his mood in a short time. If possible, it is advisable to leave the light dimmer or light a candle to make the environment more serene.

3. Get a massage

Right after the bath, almond oil can be applied all over the body, gently kneading all the baby's folds, massaging the chest, belly, arms, legs and feet, as well as the back and butt. One should take the opportunity to look into the baby's eyes and talk to him in a calm way. See the steps to give your baby a relaxing massage.

4. Put on quiet music

The songs that most soothe babies are the classic or sounds of nature, but instrumental songs with a focus on the guitar or piano are also excellent options to leave playing in the car or in the baby's room, providing a moment of relaxation.

5. Continuous noise

The continuous sound of the fan, hair dryer or washing machine is called white noise, which works as well as a radio outside the station. This type of sound calms babies because the sound is similar to the noise the baby heard when it was inside the mother's belly, the place where he felt completely safe and calm. Leaving one of these sounds next to the baby's crib can let you sleep peacefully all night.

But in addition to following all these steps, the child's age should be taken into account, as it is normal for a newborn baby to sleep only 2 or 3 hours and wake up hungry, while an 8-month-old baby has an easier time sleeping. sleep more than 6 hours straight.

5 Steps to Soothe Baby to Sleep All Night