Home Bulls 6 Benefits of sleeping well

6 Benefits of sleeping well


Sleeping well helps to strengthen the body's ability to fight infections, helping to stay healthy, because during sleep the body produces extra proteins that help the immune system to become stronger, especially in stressful situations.

Other benefits of a good night's sleep include:

1. Reduce stress

During sleep, the body decreases the production of cortisol and adrenaline, helping to decrease stress.

2. Control your appetite

Sleep helps to regulate the hormones that affect and control appetite, so when you sleep poorly, these hormones become unregulated and your appetite increases, leading to a desire for foods rich in calories, fats and carbohydrates.

3. Improve mood

People who sleep well at night are happier and more cheerful during the day. On the contrary, an insufficient night's sleep causes restlessness and moodiness the next day. In addition, when poor sleep becomes a chronic problem, it can cause long-term mood disorders, such as depression or anxiety, for example.

4. Enable memory

Sleeping well allows the brain to process new experiences and knowledge better, improving memory. During sleep, the brain processes and consolidates the day's memories, so sleepless nights can cause new information not to be stored correctly, impairing memory.

5. Stimulate thinking

Sleeping poorly affects cognition, attention and decision-making, so people who sleep poorly have a harder time solving logic or math problems and making mistakes like accidentally leaving their keys in the fridge.

6. Rejuvenate the skin

A good night's sleep helps to rejuvenate the skin, reducing wrinkles and expression lines, as during the night the skin cells renew and rest and melatonin is produced which helps to prevent aging.

Check out some tricks confirmed by science to sleep better:

6 Benefits of sleeping well