Home Bulls Orthomolecular medicine: why it works and how to diet

Orthomolecular medicine: why it works and how to diet


Orthomolecular medicine is a type of complementary therapy that often makes use of nutritional supplements and foods rich in vitamins, such as vitamin C or vitamin E, to reduce the amount of free radicals in the body, preventing the body from being in a constant process of inflammation and preventing the appearance of some common diseases of aging, such as arthritis, cataracts or even cancer.

In addition, as it works mainly by the use of antioxidants, orthomolecular medicine can also improve the appearance of the skin, improving elasticity and disguising aging marks, such as wrinkles and dark spots, for example.

How it works

Orthomolecular medicine works by eliminating excess free radicals that are in the body. Free radicals are very reactive molecules that are able to affect healthy cells and that, although they are a normal result of bodily functioning, usually need to be kept in low quantities in order not to cause damage to health.

Thus, when the amount of these radicals is very high, especially due to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as the use of cigarettes, consumption of alcoholic beverages, excessive use of medications or even prolonged sun exposure, damage to healthy cells can occur, causing a process of constant inflammation that favors the appearance of diseases such as:

  • Arthritis; Atherosclerosis; Cataracts; Alzheimer's; Parkinson's; Cancer.

In addition, premature skin aging is also affected by the excess of free radicals in the body, and orthomolecular medicine is a good therapy to improve skin health, especially in smokers.

Because it helps you lose weight

Chronic inflammation caused by the excessive presence of free radicals can impair weight loss in people who are dieting to lose weight, as the cells become swollen and fail to function normally, favoring the accumulation of fluids throughout the body.

In addition to that, making an antioxidant orthomolecular diet usually includes the preferential use of vegetables and fruits, which have less calories and, therefore, contribute to weight loss. This type of diet can often be associated with Mediterranean food, as it follows the same principles for maintaining health and losing weight.

How to do the orthomolecular diet

In the orthomolecular medicine diet, the secret is to detoxify the body. In this diet, nothing is forbidden, but some things should be avoided, such as eating very spicy, industrialized, fatty foods and drinking plenty of water.

To follow the orthomolecular diet it is advised:

  • Prefer natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables; Do not eat fried foods, drink soft drinks and avoid alcoholic beverages; Eat more fiber by eating raw vegetables with every meal; Avoid red meat, and sausages; Take 3g omega 3 daily; Cook in clay pots, avoiding aluminum, to reduce the risk of cancer.

According to the guidelines of orthomolecular doctors, the ideal is to reach the ideal weight (see your BMI) by eating better and practicing physical activity. Eating in fast foods and having a stressful and sedentary life aggravate the problem and leave the body very intoxicated.

Find out how many calories you should consume to lose weight by taking the following test:

How to use nutritional supplements

Antioxidant nutritional supplements should always be guided by a nutritionist or a professional specializing in herbal medicine or orthomolecular medicine, as the type and doses may vary according to age and associated health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes or obesity.

However, the general guidelines are:

  • Vitamin C: take about 500 mg a day; Vitamin E: about 200 mg per day; Coenzyme Q10: take 50 to 200 mcg per day; L-carnitine: 1000 to 2000 mg daily; Quercetin: take 800 to 1200 mg daily.

These supplements can be used separately or together, with vitamin C and E being very common, for example.

Orthomolecular medicine: why it works and how to diet