Home Symptoms Benefits of vitamin b3

Benefits of vitamin b3


Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, performs functions in the body such as improving blood circulation, relieving migraines, lowering cholesterol and improving control of diabetes.

This vitamin can be found in foods such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs and vegetables, and is also added in products such as wheat flour and corn flour. See the full list here.

Thus, adequate consumption of niacin is important to maintain the proper functioning of the following functions in the body:

  • Lower cholesterol levels; Produce energy for cells; Maintain cell health and protect DNA; Maintain nervous system health; Maintain skin, mouth and eye health; Prevent mouth and throat cancer; Improve diabetes control; improve arthritis symptoms; prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's, cataracts and atherosclerosis.

In addition, niacin deficiency causes pellagra, a serious disease that causes symptoms such as dark spots on the skin, severe diarrhea and dementia. See how your diagnosis and treatment is done.

Recommended quantity

The recommended daily amount of niacin consumption varies according to age, as shown in the following table:

Age Amount of Niacin
0 to 6 months 2 mg
7 to 12 months 4 mg
1 to 3 years 6 mg
4 to 8 years 8 mg
9 to 13 years 12 mg
Men from 14 years 16 mg
Women from 14 years 18 mg
Pregnant women 18 mg
Breastfeeding women 17 mg

Niacin supplements can be used to improve control of high cholesterol according to medical advice, it is important to note that they can cause side effects such as tingling, headache, itching and redness of the skin.

See the symptoms caused by Niacin deficiency.

Benefits of vitamin b3