- 1. Cabbage juice with lemon
- 2. Cabbage juice with orange and ginger
- 3. Cabbage juice with pineapple and mint
- 4. Cabbage juice with apple and lemon
- 5. Cabbage juice with strawberry and pineapple
- 6. Cabbage juice with carrots and orange
Cabbage juice is an excellent home remedy for weight loss because it improves bowel function, since cabbage is a natural laxative and also has properties that detoxify the body, thus favoring weight loss.
To prepare the juice, wash a leaf of kale butter, removing any residues that may be present, follow one of the recipes indicated below.
1. Cabbage juice with lemon
Lemon is an excellent option to add to cabbage juice and enhance its weight loss action. This is because the lemon has a detoxifying action that helps eliminate excess fats, in addition to reducing the feeling of hunger, avoiding excessive consumption of food.
To make the juice just beat in a blender 1 leaf of kale with pure juice of 2 lemons which makes it more diuretic and alkalizes the blood. Drink next, preferably without straining or sweetening.
2. Cabbage juice with orange and ginger
Adding orange to kale juice in addition to reducing the bitter taste of kale, is a great way to speed up weight loss because orange promotes a feeling of satiety and makes it difficult to absorb carbohydrates, cholesterol and lipids. Ginger improves the functioning of the intestine and increases metabolism, facilitating the burning of fats and the elimination of calories.
The cabbage, orange and ginger juice should be made by blending 1 leaf of kale with the juice of 3 oranges and 2 cm of ginger in the blender. Drink next, preferably without straining or sweetening.
3. Cabbage juice with pineapple and mint
By adding pineapple and mint to cabbage juice, it is possible to increase its diuretic power, eliminating excess fluids that cause weight gain. In addition, as pineapple is rich in fiber, it is able to reduce appetite, helping to control the urge to eat during the day. See other detox juice options.
To make the juice, beat in a blender 1 kale leaf with 2 thick slices of pineapple and some mint leaves. Drink next, preferably without straining or sweetening. A few drops of lemon can also be added to improve the taste, if necessary.
4. Cabbage juice with apple and lemon
Adding apple to kale juice helps to enrich the juice with pectin, a substance that improves bowel function and increases satiety, reducing the amount of food eaten. In addition, lemon juice improves the taste of cabbage and has a detoxifying action that eliminates fats. See also how to make the lemon water diet.
This juice is made by beating in a blender 1 kale leaf with 1 green apple and pure juice of half a lemon. Drink next, preferably without straining or sweetening.
5. Cabbage juice with strawberry and pineapple
Strawberries and pineapples are fruits rich in fiber that help to decrease appetite and allow weight loss. In addition, this is a diuretic juice that eliminates excess fluids in the body, giving a more defined silhouette. Check out 5 simple tips to lose weight and lose belly.
To make kale juice with strawberry and pineapple just beat in a blender 1 kale leaf with 2 strawberries and 1 slice of pineapple and some mint leaves. Drink next, preferably without straining or sweetening.
6. Cabbage juice with carrots and orange
The carrot is another good option to enrich the cabbage juice because it has a tonic and purifying effect on the liver that helps eliminate excess bile and fat. In addition, when associated with orange it helps to decrease the absorption of carbohydrates and fats.
This juice is made by placing 1 kale leaf in a blender with 1 small carrot and the juice of 1 or 2 oranges. Beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and drink immediately afterwards, without sweetening.
See also a video of another detox juice recipe that helps to eliminate toxins and enhance weight loss: