Home Bulls Does having a polycystic ovary harm pregnancy? (and other questions)

Does having a polycystic ovary harm pregnancy? (and other questions)


Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common problem that affects women of different ages, being more frequent at the beginning of adolescence.

This condition is characterized by the presence of hormonal changes that cause the appearance of various cysts in the ovaries, causing symptoms such as irregular menstruation, hair loss and difficulty in becoming pregnant.

See the main questions below:

1. Who has a polycystic ovary always has irregular menstruation?

No. Although irregular menstruation is one of the main symptoms of this disease, more than half of women who have this problem do not have any symptoms, and only discover the changes in the ovaries in the routine consultation with the gynecologist. See the main symptoms of the disease.

2. What causes this problem to appear?

There is no specific cause for the appearance of polycystic ovaries, but they usually appear in women with a family history of this disease, who are overweight, obese or insulin resistant, which is a tendency to have diabetes.

This is because overweight and pre-diabetes cause hormonal changes in the body, with increased production of testosterone, the main hormone linked to the appearance of cysts.

3. Why do more hair appear on the body and menstruation is irregular?

The appearance of symptoms such as hair on the face and irregular menstruation are mainly caused by the increase in testosterone, a hormone that must be present in the woman's body, but only in small amounts.

4. Is it possible to get pregnant even with polycystic ovaries?

Yes, because in general women with this problem have a good response to drugs that induce ovulation, such as Clomiphene. In addition, although menstruation is irregular, in some months the woman can ovulate spontaneously, managing to become pregnant without medical help.

However, it is advisable to see a doctor to increase the chances of pregnancy, especially after 1 year of unsuccessful attempts to conceive. Understand when to seek help getting pregnant.

5. Does having polycystic ovaries affect pregnancy?

Yes, several studies have shown that women who have polycystic ovaries usually have a harder time getting pregnant.

Complications occur mainly in women who are overweight, it is important to have adequate prenatal care, exercise and have a healthy diet to reduce the risk of complications.

6. Can polycystic ovaries also cause more health problems?

Yes, because women with this problem are more likely to develop serious diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, endometrial cancer, which is the inner wall of the uterus, anxiety, depression and sleep apnea, which is when the breathing stops for a while while sleeping.

To reduce the risk of these complications, it is important to have a healthy life, practicing physical activity regularly, having a healthy diet, stopping smoking and consuming alcohol in excess, in addition to having the proper treatment with the gynecologist. See which treatment options are most used.

7. Do the symptoms continue even after menopause?

Yes, and they even tend to get worse. As after the menopause the female hormones decrease, the woman starts to suffer even more with the thinning and the hair loss, and the growth of hair in other parts of the body, like face and chest.

In addition, the risk of problems such as heart attack, stroke and diabetes also increases after menopause.

Find out how food can help fight symptoms and facilitate pregnancy with nutritionist Tatiana Zanin:

Does having a polycystic ovary harm pregnancy? (and other questions)