Home Home-Remedies 7 Best juices against premature aging

7 Best juices against premature aging


Lemonade with coconut water, kiwi juice and passion fruit suchá are excellent natural options to combat premature skin aging. These ingredients have antioxidants that help in detoxifying the body, having a beneficial effect on the beauty and integrity of the skin.

But in addition to regularly taking one of the juices that we indicate below, it is also important to eat 1 Brazil nut per day, because it is rich in vitamin E and selenium, these substances, in addition to preventing aging, decrease the risk of diseases in the heart. Other benefits include strengthening the immune system and regulating the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The best recipes to combat premature skin aging are:

1. Lemonade with coconut water

This lemonade contains antioxidant properties that eliminate free radicals and decrease the chances of premature aging.


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Method of preparation

Place the ingredients in a blender and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The juice should be drunk regularly.

2. Kiwi juice

Kiwi is a good weapon against premature aging because it contains vitamins and fibers with antioxidant properties that prevent heart disease, balance blood pressure and lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it is able to combat the wrinkles of premature aging.


  • 4 tablespoons of honey

Method of preparation

Beat the kiwis in the centrifuge and then add the honey to the mixture. Drink the juice at least once a week. Another good tip is to use kiwi pulp to make juice or eat fresh fruit after meals.

3. Passion fruit suchá

Mate tea has vitamins B, C and D, and antioxidant properties that prevent premature aging.


  • 1 teaspoon and a half of yerba mate leaves 500 ml of waterpipe of 2 ripe passion fruit

Method of preparation

Add the yerba mate leaves to the pan with water and put it on the fire until it boils. After straining, wait for it to be warm and then beat with the passion fruit pulp with a mixer and take it next, sweetening to taste.

Because it contains caffeine and is a stimulant, mate tea is contraindicated by individuals with insomnia, nervousness and anxiety.

4. Raspberry juice

Raspberries and other red fruits such as strawberries and blackberries have ellagic acid, a substance that in addition to preventing cell aging, prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors and is very useful in combating premature aging.


  • This is a great way to add flavor and flavor to your dishes.

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients with a mixer or in a blender and take next.

5. Strawberry lemonade

Strawberry lemonade is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals, providing cell regeneration, more firm skin and muscle toning.


  • Add the lemon juice and mix well until smooth.

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and beat well. The ideal is to drink strawberry juice at least 3 times a week.

Strawberry is a very nutritious fruit. In addition to preventing premature aging, it is rich in fiber and vitamins that strengthen bones, lower cholesterol and increase tissue resistance.

6. Passion fruit juice with broccoli

Broccoli juice with passion fruit is an excellent home remedy to prevent premature aging as this vegetable is rich in bioflavonoids and other antioxidants that help eliminate toxins from the body, prevent cell degeneration and stimulate its rejuvenation. This action provides a young and healthy skin, silky and shiny hair, as well as strengthened nails.


  • 3 sprigs of broccoli 200 ml passion fruit juice

Method of preparation

Beat the ingredients in a blender and sweeten to taste, with honey, for example. After beating well, the home remedy is ready to be used.

Broccoli, in addition to preventing premature aging, prevents cancer, anemia and cataracts, as it is a food rich in vitamins A and C, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Therefore, to have a healthy life and free of these diseases, increase the daily consumption of broccoli, it is a simple tip that makes all the difference for the functioning of the body.

7. Cabbage juice with orange

Cabbage juice has powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent premature aging. Frequent consumption of this juice tones the skin and leaves it looking healthier.


  • We have a wide range of products to choose from, including:

Method of preparation

Cut all the ingredients into small pieces and add them in a blender. Beat well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and drink the juice regularly.

7 Best juices against premature aging