Home Symptoms Glutamine: main foods rich in this amino acid

Glutamine: main foods rich in this amino acid


Glutamine is the amino acid that is present in greater amounts in the body, as it is produced naturally through the conversion of another amino acid, glutamic acid. In addition, glutamine can also be found in some foods, such as yogurt and eggs, for example, or it can be consumed as a nutritional supplement, being found in sports supplement stores.

Glutamine is considered a semi-essential amino acid, since in the face of stressful situations, such as illness or the presence of a wound, it can become essential. In addition, glutamine performs several functions in the body, mainly related to the immune system, participates in some metabolic pathways and favors the formation of proteins in the body.

List of foods rich in glutamine

There are some animal and plant glutamine sources, as shown in the following table:

Animal foods Glutamine (Glutamic acid) 100 grs
Cheese 6092 mg
Salmon 5871 mg
Beef 4011 mg
Fish 2994 mg
eggs 1760 mg
Whole milk

1581 mg

Yogurt 1122 mg
Plant-based foods Glutamine (Glutamic acid) 100 grs
Soy 7875 mg
Corn 1768 mg

1721 mg

Chickpeas 1550 mg
Lentil 1399 mg
Black bean 1351 mg
Beans 1291 mg
White bean 1106 mg
Peas 733 mg
White rice 524 mg
Beet 428 mg
Spinach 343 mg
Cabbage 294 mg
Parsley 249 mg

What is glutamine for

Glutamine is considered an immunomodulator, as it is used as an energy source by the cells of the muscles, intestine and immune system, stimulating and strengthening the immune system.

Some studies have shown that supplementation with glutamine accelerates recovery and decreases the length of hospital stay of people who are in the postoperative period, in critical condition or who have suffered burns, sepsis, have polytrauma or are immunosuppressed. This is because this amino acid becomes essential during a metabolic stress situation, and its supplementation is important to prevent muscle breakdown and stimulate the immune system.

In addition, L-glutamine supplementation is also used to maintain muscle mass, since it is able to decrease muscle tissue breakdown after exercise, stimulates muscle growth because it favors the entry of amino acids into muscle cells, helps in the recovery after intense tissues and helps in the recovery of the syndrome of excessive athletic training, a situation characterized by the decrease of the plasma levels of glutamine.

Learn more about glutamine supplements.

Glutamine: main foods rich in this amino acid