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How to ensure skin bronze even without sun


Tanned skin without being exposed to the sun can be achieved through the consumption of foods rich in beta-carotene, as this substance stimulates the production of melanin, such as carrots and guava, for example. In addition to food, another option is to use self-tanning creams or moisturizers or perform artificial spray tanning, for example. However, it is important to use sunscreen regularly to prevent the appearance of spots on the skin, for example.

People with allergies to the sun or carriers of Lupus, for example, should not be exposed to sunlight too often, as this can trigger various symptoms and compromise the person's well-being, so if the person wants to keep their skin tanned, It is important to consult the dermatologist, so that it can be checked whether the self-tanner can be used and which is the most appropriate, and invest in a diet rich in beta-carotenes, in addition to applying sunscreen daily, using sunglasses and avoiding the sunniest hours of the day. day.

Some tips to ensure a tan without having to be exposed to the sun are:

1. Use self-tanner

The use of self-tanners can also be quite effective when you want to tan your skin without getting sun. That's because they have DHA in their composition, a substance that reacts with the amino acids present in the skin, giving rise to a component that gives the skin a more tanned color.

The use of these products help to keep the skin golden and hydrated, without having to take the risks of being exposed to the sun and developing skin cancer, for example. However, to maintain a uniformly colored skin, apply the cream in a circular motion, in addition to using sunscreen, since the bronze does not protect against the ultraviolet rays of the sun, which can result in dark spots on the skin, for example. See how to use the self-tanner without staining your skin.

The use of self-tanners does not have a contraindication, since the objective is solely and exclusively to tan the skin, however, if the person has allergies to any of the constituents of the tan, is undergoing treatment with acid, or has any skin disease or who have skin-related symptoms, the use of this product is not recommended as it may result in complications. Therefore, it is important to consult the dermatologist to have the indication of a product more suitable for the type of skin and objective.

2. Do tanning beds

Tanning is one of the alternatives to tan your skin without having to sunbathe. This procedure is done in beauty clinics through jet tanning, in which the professional, with the use of a spray, passes the tanning product on the person's skin. Usually the product used in this procedure contains a substance capable of reacting with the keratin of the skin, resulting in a tan color. It is important that spray or jet tanning is recommended by the dermatologist, especially in the case of people who have some skin disease.

Another option of artificial tanning is through tanning chambers, in which the person stays at least 20 minutes inside the equipment receiving UVA and UVB radiation directly, producing effects similar to those that occur when the person is exposed to the sun for a long time.

However, due to the great health risks, in 2009 ANVISA determined the prohibition of the use of artificial tanning chambers for aesthetic purposes, as it was proven that the frequent performance of artificial tanning can favor the occurrence of skin cancer, mainly, soon. Know the risks of artificial tanning.

3. Foods rich in beta carotenes

Some foods have beta carotene in their composition, which are substances capable of stimulating the production of melanin and thus leaving the skin more tanned. Foods rich in beta carotenes are carrots, tomatoes, peppers and guava as well.

Although they are great for tanning the skin, excessive consumption of foods rich in beta-carotene can make the skin more orange, however this situation can be reversed when you stop consuming these foods.

Check out the video below for more tips to tan your skin faster:

How to ensure skin bronze even without sun