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7 Myths and truths about the flu


Influenza is an infection caused by the Influenza virus, which has several subtypes that cause recurrent infections, especially in children up to 5 years of age and in the elderly. Even though it is a common disease, there are several doubts about the flu, such as what the symptoms are, if taking a hot shower and then going cold causes the disease, if the vaccine causes flu and what is the difference between flu and cold.

But are these statements really true? So, see below 7 myths and truth about this disease and answer all your questions.

1. You have more flu in the winter.

Truth. The flu is more common in the winter because the cold slows down the movement of cilia that exist in the airways and that work by filtering the air and eliminating microorganisms.

In addition, the environment is drier and people stay longer in closed places, which favors the proliferation of the virus and the transmission of the disease.

2. Getting out of the hot bath and going cold causes flu.

Myth. The flu is caused by a virus, which means that a person only gets sick if he comes into contact with the virus, which does not happen when taking a hot shower and then going to the cold - unless the contact occurs along this path. with the virus.

3. Cold can turn into the flu.

Myth. The cold is caused by the virus of the family Rhinovirus, but it is a mild infection, which usually causes cough, secretion and general malaise, but without causing body pain or fever.

However, as the immune system becomes weaker with the cold, the chances of getting a flu infection increases, so it is important to start treatment soon to avoid this problem. See Homemade recipes for treating cold and flu.

4. Flu can become pneumonia.

Myth. Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, so flu, which is caused by viruses, cannot become pneumonia.

However, the accumulation of secretions in the lungs, the weaker immune system and inflammation in the body favor infection by the pneumonia bacteria, and so the flu is often linked to the appearance of pneumonia, especially in the case of children and the elderly. Understand better and know what to do when the flu becomes pneumonia.

5. Water helps to fight the flu.

Truth. Liquids such as water, teas and natural juices help fight the flu because they fluidize secretions and facilitate sputum and cough, which helps to eliminate phlegm and viruses that are present in these secretions. See recipes for home remedies here.

See some tea recipes that help treat the flu by watching the video:

6. Vitamin C helps prevent the flu.

Myth. Vitamin C does not help to treat or prevent flu, but the consumption of fresh foods rich in this nutrient, such as fruits and vegetables in general, helps to reduce inflammation in the body, which brings relief from the symptoms of the disease.

7. The vaccine can cause flu.

Myth. The vaccine is made up only of small pieces of the flu virus, so it cannot cause this disease.

Thus, the symptoms that may arise after vaccination, such as mild fever, redness at the application site and softness in the body usually arise because the person already had a flu virus incubated in the body, but which is aroused and fought soon after contact with the vaccine.

See too:

  • 7 myths and truths about the H1N1 flu
7 Myths and truths about the flu