Home Symptoms Feeling of anguish

Feeling of anguish


Anguish is a feeling that is related to situations that happen in the person's life and that bring many concerns, such as knowing the diagnosis of a disease, losing a family member or having a loving heartbreak, for example and it is an emotional manifestation that disturbs and bothers and it usually stems from feelings of frustration, guilt, insecurity or ingratitude, for example.

Some of the symptoms of distress include:

  • Chest and throat pain, with a feeling of tightness; Fast and uncontrolled heartbeat; Feeling of suffocation, with difficulty in breathing; Constant restlessness and restlessness; Permanent headache; Negative thoughts; Anxiety attacks. Know what an anxiety attack is.

In addition to these common symptoms of distress, the person may experience others, which can be mistaken for depression and which disturb daily life, such as apathy, lack of appetite, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, having muscle contractions, body aches and constant tiredness.

How to treat anguish

To treat the anguish, it is necessary to resolve the root cause, in order to eliminate all symptoms. In addition to resolving the cause of the distress, there are ways to alleviate it, at times when symptoms appear.

Some of the ways to alleviate distress is to learn to control your breath, trying to breathe deeply and slowly through your nose, taking the air up to your abdomen and blowing the air out gently through your mouth and replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts, registering both on a paper.

In addition, some habits can also be practiced daily that help the person to relax and reduce periods of distress, such as doing relaxation exercises, such as meditating or stretching, taking a hot bath or asking a family member to have a back massage, rest in a dark and quiet room and drink a calming tea, such as chamomile, valerian or passion fruit juice, for example. Discover other relaxing teas that help control anxiety and sleep better.

In some cases, especially when the anguish is deep and constant, it may be necessary to go to the doctor or psychologist to assess the situation and adjust the treatment, which usually includes psychotherapy sessions and, in some cases, the use of medicines may also be necessary. to decrease anxiety.

Watch the following video and see more tips that help you control stress and anxiety and end anguish:

Feeling of anguish