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Stretching exercises to relieve back pain


Spine stretches serve to relieve back pain due to poor posture, for example, increase elasticity, improve circulation, reduce joint stress, improve posture and promote well-being.

Stretching for the spine should be done gradually and may cause mild discomfort, but if it causes acute pain, known as spinal pain, that prevents you from stretching, you should stop stretching.

Before exercising, the individual should take a hot water bath or put a hot compress on the spine, especially if you have back pain, to warm up the muscles and facilitate stretching. See how to make a compress at home in the following video:

Three examples of spine stretching exercises can be:

Stretching for cervical spine

These stretches are great for relieving pain in the neck, shoulders and upper back, which tends to become very tense due to tiredness or everyday stress, for example.

Stretching 1

Stretching 1

Put your hands behind your head and bring it forward and then back. Then, with just one hand, pull to the right and left side, staying 30 seconds in each position.

Stretching 2

Stretching 2

Lying with the head off the stretcher, being supported by the therapist's hand, release the head completely in the hands of the professional, while he must 'pull' the head towards you.

Stretching 3

Stretching 3

With the same position, the therapist should turn the patient's head to one side, left in this position for 20 seconds. Then turn your head to the other side.

Stretching for dorsal spine

These stretches are great for relieving the pain that affects the middle of the back bringing immediate relief from symptoms.

Stretching 4

Stretching 4

From the position of 4 supports, try to rest your chin on your chest and force your back up, remaining in the position shown in the image below.

Stretching 5

Stretching 5

Sitting with your legs bent, raise one arm as shown in the image below. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.

Stretching 6

Stretching 6

Slightly spread your legs, while raising your arms, joining them over your head, tilting your body to the right side and then to the left side, staying 30 seconds in each position.

Stretching for lumbar spine

These stretches are excellent for relieving back pain that arises due to tiredness or weight lifting efforts, or during pregnancy, for example.

Stretching 7

Stretching 7

Stay still in the position that shows the image for 20 seconds.

Stretching 8

Stretching 8

With your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, bring one knee to your chest for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat for the other knee and finish with both, as shown in the image.

Stretching 9

Stretching 9

Stay still in the position that shows the image for 20 seconds. Then do it with the other leg.

These stretches can be done even during pregnancy, however, there are other stretching exercises in pregnancy that can also be done at this stage to relieve back pain.

Stretches can be done every day, especially if the individual suffers from back pain. However, it is important to consult the doctor to assess the cause of back pain that can be herniated disc, for example. In this case, stretches for herniated discs should be done under the guidance of the doctor or physiotherapist, who may indicate other stretches as needed by the individual.

See other stretching exercises:

Stretching exercises to relieve back pain