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Muay thai: 7 main health benefits


Muay Thai, or Thai boxing, is a martial art known as the “eight arms” art, as it strategically uses the 8 regions of the body: the two fists, the two elbows, the two knees, in addition to the two shins and feet. According to the history of Muay Thai, this sport was created by the Thais to defend themselves in wars and aims to immobilize the opponent using blows, such as punches, blows with the feet, knees or elbows.

Muay Thai is a dynamic sport that promotes the improvement of physical conditioning, in addition to promoting muscle strengthening, increasing elasticity and promoting good cardiovascular functioning. This is because classes last between 60 to 90 minutes and involve various routines for strokes and other physical exercises, such as running, push-ups, abdominal exercises or skipping rope, for example.

As it is a sport that involves direct contact with the opponent, it is important to consult a doctor before starting to practice, in addition to using appropriate equipment, such as shorts, gloves, bandages, shin guards and mouth guard.

Health Benefits of Muay Thai

1. Improve body contour

The classes are intense and the muscles are well worked so that the thighs, buttocks and arms are firmer and stronger, becoming well turned, without layers of fat and cellulite.

2. Improve fitness

When practicing intense exercises, blood circulation increases, making the heart have to work harder and more intensely, which improves physical conditioning. Over the days the tiredness, which initially arrived in 3 minutes of class, takes a little longer to appear.

3. Strengthen and tone your muscles

Since kicks and kicks are done with force and repeatedly, the muscles need to work harder to increase their tone, becoming firmer. In addition, with each class the muscles become more and more resistant.

4. Increase elasticity

To perform the movements during a Muay Thai class, you must perform stretches before and after training, which increases the range of motion. In addition, for each stroke to be performed correctly, there must be good motor coordination and joint amplitude, which naturally improves the elasticity of the muscles.

5. Weight loss

To perform the training correctly, you must have a good concentration and coordination of movements between arms and legs, which increases the caloric expenditure of the exercises and facilitates the burning of fat. However, to lose weight faster it is important to adapt the diet.

6. Improve self-esteem

This is because the person starts to feel more secure and confident each time they go to a class, improving their image of themselves and their relationship with others. See other martial arts that help increase the feeling of security.

7. Discipline the mind and body

This practice requires training discipline so that the fight can be dominated and better results are observed. The concentration to perform each movement makes the mind focused on just one thing, which also favors school and work performance.

To achieve these benefits, classes must be practiced regularly, at least twice a week and the results can begin to be seen in about 1 month.

How many calories you burn per class

Muay Thai, combined with a healthy diet, helps you lose weight, because depending on the intensity of the training and the physical preparation, the caloric expenditure can reach up to about 1, 500 calories per class. Even beginners can spend up to about 750 calories per class. As it is a martial art that demands a lot of the musculature of the whole body, it helps to define the muscles, defining and improving the body contour, combating fluid retention and cellulite.

Check out a list of 8 other exercises that help you burn a lot of calories and lose weight.

Muay thai: 7 main health benefits