Home Bulls Top 10 causes of pimples and how to treat

Top 10 causes of pimples and how to treat


Acne is a disease that causes the clogging of the skin's fat glands, forming inflammations and rashes, which are the pimples. It is caused by the combination of several factors, which involve excess production of oil by the skin, accumulation of bacteria, tendency to inflammation, hormonal dysregulation and tendency to accumulate dead cells and tissues.

So, to avoid the appearance of pimples, it is important to keep the skin clean, use products that remove excess oil and dead cells, in addition to having a healthy diet that reduces skin inflammation, based on whole grains and rich foods in omega-3, like salmon and sardines.

Such changes in the skin that cause acne in several places, such as face, back and arms, are triggered by situations such as:

1. Age

During adolescence, especially between 12 and 18 years of age, it is more common to have pimples, as during this period there is an increase in the production of androgenic hormones by the body, such as testosterone, which stimulate the production of oil.

However, pimples can appear at any age, and it is not uncommon to appear in women after the age of 30, called late acne, which can be caused by changes in the amount of sebum or keratin produced in the skin or by a greater accumulation of bacteria, for example. example.

  • How to treat: it is necessary to consult with the dermatologist to evaluate the type of skin and to prescribe medications such as lotions or creams that can improve the health of the skin and decrease the production of pimples.

2. Don't clean your skin properly

Skin that is not well cleaned may have an accumulation of oil, which clogs the pores and facilitates the formation of blackheads and the development of pimples.

  • How to treat: the face should be washed at least 2 times a day, when getting up and especially when sleeping, to remove excess dirt on the skin throughout the day. Very oily skin can be washed up to 3 to 4 times a day. Preferably, specific products for the skin type should be used, oriented after evaluation by the dermatologist.

3. Do not remove makeup

Makeup should be removed as soon as possible, as the build-up on the skin also causes pore clogging and facilitates the formation of blackheads and pimples, especially low quality products that are produced based on oils.

  • How to treat: for those who have a tendency to acne it is recommended to use specific make-up for oily skin, water-based, however the ideal is to try to leave the skin as natural as possible, in addition to always removing all makeup with makeup remover when arriving at home.

4. Use very greasy products on the skin

The use of sunscreen or very oily or greasy moisturizing creams, not ideal for each skin type, increases the formation of blackheads and pimples.

  • How to treat: one should always try to choose products specific to the type of skin, which are called "non-comedogenic", as they are the ones that cause the least tendency to clog the skin pores.

5. Foods that cause pimples

Consuming inflammatory foods for the skin, such as milk, sweets, carbohydrates and fried foods, can increase the chances of acne, as they alter hormone production and stimulate skin inflammation and the appearance of blackheads and pimples.

  • How to treat: avoid food rich in carbohydrates, fats and prefer to focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, omega-3s and water, as they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

6. Having a hormonal disease

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease that increases the production of androgens, which are male hormones that work by increasing the production of oil by the skin and making it more prone to acne production.

  • How to treat: The treatment for this syndrome can be done with the use of contraceptives or others capable of regulating hormones. Learn more about how to identify and treat polycystic ovary syndrome.

7. Reaction to medications

Certain medications can cause skin inflammation reactions with the formation of acne as a side effect, and a common example is the use of corticosteroids and anti-inflammatories.

  • How to treat it: when possible, talk to the doctor about the possibility of changing the medication, however, it is possible to adopt measures to reduce acne while using the medication, such as using cleansing lotions or creams that reduce the formation of acne, such as acid retinoic, for example.

8. Excessive sun

Exposing yourself to excessive sun can form pimples, as UV radiation can accelerate inflammation and oil production of the skin, which facilitates the production of acne.

  • How to treat: avoid overexposing yourself to the sun, preferring times of less UV radiation, such as before 10am or after 4pm. In addition to always protect yourself with adequate sunscreen.

9. Genetic predisposition

Having a favorable genetics is one of the main factors for the formation of acne, especially in those who have excess or very large pimples, as these people have a greater tendency to have immune reactions and form inflammatory lesions on the skin.

  • How to treat: the treatment is done with topical products, prescribed by the dermatologist, and in the most severe cases, as in grade II or IV acne, for example, it may be necessary to use medications in tablets, such as antibiotics or isotretinoin, for example.

10. Pregnancy

Being pregnant can cause the production of pimples, which only happens in some women, due to the increase in progesterone, which increases oiliness.

  • How to treat: you are advised to choose to wash your skin with mild or mild soap twice a day and always apply a tonic lotion after washing and drying your face. Treatment with pills, acids or aesthetic procedures should be avoided during this period. Learn more what to do in case of pimples in pregnancy.

The spine can be both external and internal, and this happens because the obstruction of the sebaceous gland has not found a way out of the skin, being trapped inside a cyst, which can be very painful, however, the treatment is the same. Better understand the different types of acne and what to do.

Usually, acne does not cause health risks unless you have excessive inflammation and develop a serious infection. However, if the excess of pimples is not treated, it can cause scars and spots on the face and body that can adversely affect the person's emotional, being even a risk for depression.

How to avoid pimples

To avoid the appearance of pimples, care must be taken, such as:

  • Avoid sweets and fried foods, in addition to alcoholic and carbonated drinks, as they hinder digestion and damage the skin; Have a diet rich in omega 3, zinc and antioxidants such as salmon, sunflower seeds, fruits and vegetables because they are rich in important substances to help reduce skin inflammation; cleanse the skin with cosmetic products suitable for oily skin twice a day, morning and night, soaps with acetyl salicylic acid are a good option; use an oil free sunscreen for the face before applying makeup, even if it already has some protective factor, to protect the skin against the harmful effects of the sun; make a light exfoliation once a week to remove dead cells.

Check out more tips from the nutritionist for a diet that avoids this problem:

How the treatment is done

When acne cannot be avoided, treatment should preferably be done with the use of topical products, such as skin cleansing lotions or creams that prevent the formation of lesions, such as retinoic acid, salicylic acid, adapalene or benzoyl peroxide., for example, prescribed by the Dermatologist, and can be purchased or prepared at compounding pharmacies.

Other options, more used in resistant or more severe acne, are the use of antibiotics, such as Tetracycline or Erythromycin, or, in the last case, the use of Isotretinoin, known as Roacutan, because they have a more potent effect in controlling the formation of pimples. It is important that these remedies are only used under the guidance of the Dermatologist, due to the risk of side effects.

To avoid using medications, there are also radio frequency techniques, phototherapy with special lights, laser and pulsed light that are very useful to reduce and deflate the acne region. Find out more details about treatment options for pimples.

Top 10 causes of pimples and how to treat