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Main supplements to gain muscle mass


Supplements to gain muscle mass such as Whey Protein and Femme, are indicated to enhance the results of the gym, giving a more firm and shapely body. They can even be used for those who want to put on weight without gaining a belly, for example.

However, its use should only be done under the guidance of a nutritionist or nutritionist because its indiscriminate consumption may impair the functioning of the kidneys. See a supplement that can be made at home with easy-to-find ingredients: Homemade supplement to gain muscle mass.

Main supplements

The main supplements to gain lean mass in men and women are:

1. Aggression

This supplement consists of magnesium and stimulates the production of testosterone, promoting an explosion of energy for intense workouts. In addition, it increases strength, improves natural testosterone and increases libido.

It is recommended that 3 capsules of the supplement be consumed before bed, however, it is recommended that its use be monitored and indicated by a nutritionist.

2. Tribulus

Tribulus is a supplement made from the medicinal plant Tribulus terrestris and is capable of increasing muscle strength, relieving feelings of tiredness and weakness, stimulating sperm production and improving sexual performance, therefore it is more recommended for men.

It is recommended to take 1 or 2 capsules of the supplement daily, preferably at breakfast and in the afternoon snack.

3. BCAA - Branched Chain Amino Acids

BCAA supplements promote muscle formation and assist in the maintenance and growth of skeletal muscle. Using before and after exercise can reduce muscle damage caused by exercise and thus stimulate hypertrophy.

You should take 2 capsules one to three times a day, between meals and after training. Learn how to take the BCAA supplement.

4. Whey Protein

Whey Protein is a supplement widely used by both men and women and is able to increase muscle strength and performance in training, improve muscle recovery after training and increase the production of proteins and muscle mass. In addition, this supplement helps to promote low blood pressure, increases energy and mental acuity.

Whey Protein can be consumed 20 minutes before training or up to 30 minutes after and can be mixed with a meter, or according to the recommendation of the nutritionist, in water, milk or juice, in addition to fruit, ice cream, cereals, baked goods or soups, for example.

5. Syntha - 6 Isolate

It provides a combination of fast and slow release proteins that promotes a moderate release of amino acids to stimulate muscles. This supplement favors muscle recovery and increases protein synthesis, stimulating hypertrophy.

You can consume 1 meter of this supplement, or according to the recommendation of the nutritionist, mixed in water or milk, at least twice a day.

6. Femme Protein

Femme protein is similar to conventional whey protein, however it has other constituents, such as elastin and collagen, which influence the woman's body in a positive way. Thus, Femme protein is one of the supplements indicated for women who want to increase muscle mass, because in addition to promoting hypertrophy, it promotes appetite control, helps in hydrating the skin and keeps nails and hair healthy.

The form of consumption is the same as that of whey protein: mix 1 meter in water or milk and consume before or after training.

7. Delight-Fitmiss

Delight-Fitmiss is a protein shake that can be used to complement healthy meals and snacks, as it is rich in essential vitamins and minerals for the body, as well as being rich in proteins.

8. Nutry Whey W

Nutry Whey W is a supplement whose formula was developed especially for women, as it consists of essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, fibers and collagen, helping not only in the process of gaining muscle mass, but also in maintaining the metabolism.

It can be taken 1 or 2 times a day and, for that, just dilute 30 g in 200 ml of water and beat in the blender.

Other supplements that can be used are Lipo-6 Black or Thermo Advantage Serum, which are indicated to increase energy and metabolism levels, burning excess fat. In addition, another widely used supplement is glutamine, which is responsible for promoting and maintaining hypertrophy. Learn how to use glutamine to gain muscle mass.

9. Creatine

Creatine is a supplement that can be used to improve physical performance and help in gaining muscle mass, and its use should be guided by a nutritionist and accompanied by the practice of physical activities and a balanced and adequate diet for mass gain. slim.

Creatine supplementation can be done in various ways according to the person's goal, and it is usually recommended by the nutritionist that 2 to 5 grams of creatine be consumed daily for 2 to 3 months. Here's how to take creatine to build muscle.

Main supplements to gain muscle mass