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Self-neck and hands massage to do at work


This relaxing massage can be done by the person himself, sitting and relaxed, and consists of pressing and 'kneading' the muscles of the upper back and also the hands, being particularly indicated for cases of headache and when the person feels that there is a lot of tension in the shoulders and neck, and a lack of concentration.

This self-massage can take 5 to 10 minutes and can be done even at work, in a coffee break, for example, being useful to relax, calm and improve focus and attention during work.

How to make

See step by step to give a relaxing massage to the upper back, neck and hands.

1. Stretches for the neck

Sit comfortably in a chair but with your back straight, resting on the back of the chair. Start by stretching your neck muscles, tilting your neck to the right and staying in this position for a few seconds. Then make the same movement for each side. Find out about other stretching exercises you can do at work to avoid back pain and tendonitis here.

2. Neck and shoulder massage

Then you should place your right hand on your left shoulder and massage the muscles between your shoulder and the back of your neck, as if you were kneading bread, but without hurting yourself. However, it is important to have some pressure because if it is too mild, it may have no therapeutic effect. Then you must do the same movements in the right region, insisting on the most painful regions.

3. Stretching for hands

Support your elbows on a table and make the opening movement, stretching your fingers as far as possible and then close your hands about 3 to 5 times with each hand. Then touch one palm of the hand with the fingers wide open. Try to keep the entire forearm against the table, maintaining this position for a few seconds.

4. Hand massage

Using the right thumb press the palm of your left hand in a circular motion. You go out a little bit to go to the bathroom and when washing your hands apply a little moisturizer so that your hands slide better and the self-massage is more effective. With your thumb and forefinger, slide each finger individually, from the palm of the hand to the tips of the fingers.

The hands have reflex points that are able to relax the whole body and therefore just a few minutes of hand massage are enough to feel better and more comfortable.

See how to do a head massage, which is very effective in eliminating the headache caused by excess muscle tension in the following video.

Self-neck and hands massage to do at work