Home Bulls Bee or wasp sting: what to do

Bee or wasp sting: what to do


Bee or wasp stings can cause a lot of pain, and in some cases, even cause an exaggerated reaction in the body, known as anaphylactic shock, which causes severe difficulty in breathing. However, this usually only happens in people who are allergic to bee venom or who are stung by many bees at the same time, which is not often.

So, to help someone who has been stung by a bee, what you should do is:

  1. Remove the stinger with the help of tweezers or a needle if the stinger is still stuck to the skin; Wash the affected area with cold water and soap; Apply an antiseptic to the skin, such as povidone-iodine, for example; Apply a pebble of ice wrapped in kitchen paper to reduce swelling and relieve pain; Apply an insect bite ointment to the affected area and let it dry without covering the skin, if the redness does not improve.

When a bee or wasp stings the skin, an irritating poison is injected that causes severe pain in the area, redness and swelling. This poison is usually harmless and not harmful to most people, but if the person has a history of allergy, it can cause a more serious reaction, which must be dealt with in the hospital.

How to deflate the sting

After treating the bite, it is very common for the area to be swollen for a few days, gradually disappearing. However, a good way to reduce this swelling faster is to apply ice to the area for 15 minutes, protected with a clean cloth, several times a day, as well as sleeping with your hand slightly higher, with a pillow under it, for example. example.

However, if the swelling is very intense, you can still see a general practitioner to start using an antihistamine remedy that, in addition to reducing the swelling, also improves the discomfort and itching in the area.

When to go to the emergency room

The signs and symptoms that indicate an exaggerated allergic reaction to the sting of a bee, or wasp, are:

  • Increased redness, itching and swelling at the bite; Difficulty breathing or swallowing saliva; Swelling of the face, mouth or throat; Feeling faint or dizzy.

If these symptoms are identified, an ambulance should be called or the victim taken to the hospital immediately because it is a serious situation that can be life-threatening.

In addition, if the sting occurs in the mouth or if the person is stung by several bees at the same time, an evaluation must be done at the hospital.

If you were stung and need to heal faster, check out our home remedy for bee sting.

Bee or wasp sting: what to do