Home Bulls First aid for bleeding (internal and external)

First aid for bleeding (internal and external)


Bleeding can be caused by several factors that must be identified later, but it is vital that it is monitored to ensure the victim's immediate well-being until professional emergency medical help arrives.

In the case of external bleeding, it is important to avoid excessive blood flow and, for this, it is recommended that the tourniquet be performed and, when this is not possible, place a clean cloth over the lesion and apply pressure until medical assistance arrives at the hospital. place. In the case of internal bleeding, it is important that first aid is done quickly to avoid worsening the person's clinical condition.

First aid for bleeding

The first thing to do is to check the type of bleeding, whether internal or external, and, thus, start first aid. Learn how to identify each type of hemorrhage.

1. Internal bleeding

In the case of internal bleeding, in which blood is not seen, but there are some suggestive symptoms, such as thirst, progressively faster and weaker pulse and changes in consciousness, it is recommended:

  1. Check the person's state of consciousness, calm him / her and keep him / her awake; Loosen the person's clothes; Leave the victim warm, since it is normal that in case of internal bleeding there is a sensation of cold and tremors; Place the person in lateral safety position.

After these attitudes, it is recommended to call medical assistance and stay with the person until they are rescued. In addition, it is recommended not to give the victim food or drink, as he may choke or vomit, for example.

2. External bleeding

In such cases, it is important to identify the bleeding site, put on gloves, call medical assistance and start the first aid procedure:

  1. Lay the person down and place a sterile compress or a washcloth on the bleeding site, applying pressure; If the cloth becomes too full of blood, it is recommended that more cloths be placed and not remove the first ones; Put pressure on the wound for at least 10 minutes.

It is indicated that a tourniquet is also made, which aims to decrease the blood flow to the wound region, decreasing bleeding. The tourniquet can be made of rubber or improvised with a cloth, for example, and should be placed a few centimeters above the lesion.

In addition, if the lesion is located on the arm or leg, it is recommended to keep the limb elevated to decrease blood flow. If it is located in the abdomen and the tourniquet is not possible, it is recommended to place a clean cloth on the lesion and apply pressure.

It is important not to remove the object that may be stuck in the bleeding site, and it is not recommended to wash the wound or give the person something to eat or drink.

First aid for bleeding (internal and external)