Home Bulls What to do if your heart stops beating

What to do if your heart stops beating


First aid in case of cardiac arrest is essential to keep the victim alive until medical help arrives.

So, the most important thing is to start cardiac massage, which should be done as follows:

  1. Call medical help, calling 192; Lay the victim on the floor, belly up; Lift the chin slightly upwards to facilitate breathing, as shown in image 1; Support your hands, one over the other on the victim's chest, between the nipples, on top of the heart, as shown in figure 2; do 2 compressions per second until the victim's heart starts beating again, or until the ambulance arrives.

In case the victim's heart starts beating again, it is recommended that the individual be placed in the lateral safety position, as shown in image 3, until medical help arrives.

See the step-by-step how to perform a cardiac massage by watching this video:

Causes of cardiac arrest

Some causes of cardiac arrest include:

  • Drowning; Electric shock; Acute myocardial infarction; Hemorrhage; Cardiac arrhythmia; Severe infection.

After a cardiac arrest, it is normal for the victim to be admitted to a hospital for a few days, until the cause is determined and until the patient's recovery.

Useful links:

What to do if your heart stops beating