Home Symptoms 7 Health Benefits of Lettuce

7 Health Benefits of Lettuce


Lettuce is a vegetable rich in fiber and easy to be included in the daily diet, being responsible for bringing health benefits such as helping to lose weight and control blood glucose, as it is rich in fibers that give satiety and decrease the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.

In addition, this leaf can be easily planted at home, needing only a small pot and plenty of sunlight to grow.

The following are all the health benefits of lettuce:

  1. Helping to lose weight, by containing few calories and being rich in fibers that increase the feeling of satiety; Fight insomnia, for having soothing properties; Fight constipation, because it is rich in fibers; Prevent anemia, as it contains folic acid; Prevent cancer, as it is rich in antioxidants; Maintain bone health, as it contains vitamin K; Help in controlling diabetes, as it helps to lower the glycemic index of meals.

To obtain these benefits, you should consume at least 4 lettuce leaves per day, preferably adding 1 teaspoon of olive oil to the meal, to increase its antioxidant power. Here's how to make a lettuce juice to fight insomnia.

Nutritional information and how to use

The following table shows the nutritional composition of 100 g of flat, purple lettuce.

American Lettuce Smooth Lettuce Purple Lettuce
Energy 9 kcal 14 kcal 13 kcal
Protein 0.6 g 1.7 g 1.9 g
Fat 0.1 g 0.1 g 0.2 g
Carbohydrate 1.7 g 2.4 g 2.5 g
Fiber 1.0 g 2.3 g 2.0 g
Phosphor 19 mg 26 mg 51 mg
Vitamin C 11 mg 21.4 mg 13.5 mg

Lettuce can be added to salads, juices and sandwiches, and must be stored in the refrigerator to preserve its folic acid and vitamin C content. To keep the leaves for longer, use a container with a lid and place a napkin or paper towel on the bottom and top of the container, so that the paper will absorb moisture from the leaves, making them last longer. In addition, you can also place a napkin between each sheet, remembering to change the paper when it is very humid.

How to plant lettuce at home

To plant lettuce at home, you must have a 20 to 30 cm deep pot with deep holes, which must be placed in an airy place and that receives sunlight at least 5 hours a day. The pot must be filled with very soft soil, where the seeds will be planted, which must be watered daily, or the plant seedlings, which must be watered every other day.

The seeds germinate after 1 or 2 weeks of care, when they must also be watered every other day. It is important to remember that you can remove individual leaves from the flat lettuce of the earth, but that you must remove the entire stem when it is the beaded type of the leaf.

Stuffed Lettuce Roll recipe


  • 6 leaves of plain lettuce6 slices of light Minas cheese or ricotta cream6 slices of turkey ham1 small grated carrot or ½ beet


  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil1 tablespoon of water1 tablespoon of mustard1 / 2 tablespoon of lemon juiceSalt and oregano to taste

Method of preparation

Place a slice of cheese, ham and 2 tablespoons of grated carrot on each lettuce leaf, rolling the leaf and attaching it with toothpicks. Distribute the rolls in a container, mix all the ingredients of the sauce and sprinkle over the rolls. To make the roll more nutritious, you can add shredded chicken to the filling.

Simple Lettuce Salad


  • 1 lettuce2 grated carrots1 grated beets1 skinless and seedless tomatoes1 onion cut into slicesOlive oil, vinegar, salt and oregano to taste

Method of preparation

Mix all ingredients and season with oil, vinegar, salt and oregano. This salad can serve as a side dish or as a starter in main meals, helping to increase satiety and control the absorption of carbohydrates and fats in the intestine.

To help with weight loss, here's how to make a delicious detox soup.

7 Health Benefits of Lettuce