Home Symptoms Bladder tenesmus: what it is, causes and treatment

Bladder tenesmus: what it is, causes and treatment


Bladder tenesmus is characterized by a frequent urge to urinate and a feeling of not completely emptying the bladder, which can bring discomfort and directly interfere with the person's daily life and quality of life, as they feel the need to go to the bathroom even though the bladder is not full.

Unlike bladder tenesmus, rectal tenesmus is characterized by a lack of control over the rectum, which leads to the frequent urge to evacuate even if there is no stool to eliminate, and is usually related to intestinal problems. Understand what rectal tenesmus is and main causes.

Main causes of bladder tenesmus

Bladder tenesmus is more common in older people and women, and can happen due to:

  • Urinary tract infections; Genital herpes; Vaginitis in the case of women; Kidney stone; Low bladder, also called cystocele; Overweight; Bladder tumor.

The main symptom of bladder tenesmus is the frequent need to pee, even if the bladder is not full. Usually after urinating the person remains with the feeling that the bladder has not been completely emptied, in addition there may be pain when urinating and loss of bladder control, which can result in urinary incontinence. See more about urinary incontinence.

How the treatment is done

The treatment for bladder tenesmus is done with the aim of decreasing the amount of urine produced and, thus, relieving symptoms. Thus, it is recommended to reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages and caffeine, as they stimulate the production of urine, and, if you are overweight, lose weight through healthy eating and practice of physical activities, since excess fat can press the bladder, resulting in bladder tenesmus.

It is also recommended to practice exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor, such as Kegel exercises, for example, as it is possible to control the bladder. Learn how to practice Kegel exercises.

Bladder tenesmus: what it is, causes and treatment