Home Bulls nalidixic acid (naluryl)

nalidixic acid (naluryl)


Naluril is an antibacterial medication that is used to treat urinary infections and contains nalidixic acid in its composition, acting directly on the urinary tract because it inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis.

This medicine can be found in pharmacies under the name of Wintomylon and should only be used on medical advice.


Nluril costs on average 100 reais, and each package contains 56 tablets of 500mg.


The use of Nalutil is recommended for urinary tract infection.

How to use

The use of Naluril is made in tablets and for adults and adolescents it should be started with 1g every 6 hours, for 7 to 14 consecutive days. Thereafter, the doctor may recommend 500 mgd every 6 hours, for as long as necessary.

In the case of children from 3 months to 12 years old, 55 mg is recommended for every kg of body weight per day every 6 hours, which corresponds to 4 times a day, and the treatment must be done for 7 to 14 hours. days. Thereafter, the doctor may indicate 33 mg per kg of body weight per day every 6 hours.

Side effects

The main side effect of using this remedy includes skin rash, but drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, headache and vertigo, for example, can also occur.


The use of Naluril is contraindicated during breastfeeding, children under 3 months of age, individuals with hemolytic anemia, allergy to quinolone antibiotics or with liver malfunction.

nalidixic acid (naluryl)