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Fear of doing nothing can become a disease


Ociophobia is the exaggerated fear of idleness, being characterized by an intense anxiety that arises when there is a moment of boredom. This feeling happens when you go through a period without chores, such as standing in line at a supermarket, being in traffic or even taking a vacation, for example.

This psychological alteration has been defended by several professionals, as it is a current disease, since people are being very exposed to stimuli, mainly coming from the internet, television and video games, which happens more every day, and increasingly earlier. throughout life.

Other professionals, on the other hand, argue that this is another way of expressing generalized anxiety, a disease that causes exaggerated concern and apprehensive expectation. Whatever the exact reason for this event, it is known that it is serious and should be treated, with psychotherapy and medication to control anxiety, with guidance from the psychiatrist, as it can worsen and cause depression and panic syndrome, for example.

What Causes Ociophobia

Any phobia is an exaggerated feeling of fear or aversion to something, like the fear of a spider, called arachnophobia, or the fear of closed places, called claustrophobia, for example. Ociophobia arises when there is an intense fear of "doing nothing", or when the stimuli that the world offers do not matter, which causes a lot of anxiety.

This is probably because people are overly stimulated with information, activities and chores since childhood, and when they go through a period without activities, they develop a feeling of restlessness and lack of tranquility.

Thus, it can be said that the accelerated way of life that people have led causes a compulsion for sources of entertainment, which generates a repulsion to moments of tranquility and monotony. The internet and television are largely responsible for these feelings, as they offer an excess of instant gratification and ready information, which do not stimulate reasoning.

Main symptoms

The main symptoms that a person with Ociophobia presents are anxiety, anguish and feeling of fear. The anxiety to come accompanied by other symptoms, such as shaking, intense sweating, cold hands, fast heartbeat, restlessness, tiredness, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, insomnia and nausea.

In many cases, these symptoms can be anticipatory, that is, they already begin to be felt even before the moment of leisure, as in cases of people who are about to take a vacation, for example.

How to fight the fear of doing nothing

Ociophobia is curable, and treatment is done with psychotherapy sessions, with the psychologist or psychotherapist, and, in more severe cases, monitoring with the psychiatrist is recommended, as the use of anxiolytic or antidepressant medications may be necessary.

To treat and avoid episodes of this syndrome, it is advised that one learn to slow down, that is, to do the day-to-day tasks in a slow and pleasant way, enjoying more than each activity can exercise for personal growth.

In addition, it should be understood that boredom moments can be well used during the day, as they stimulate creativity and problem solving, as they can calm the mind and reduce the whirlwind of thoughts.

Meditation is a great way to obtain these results, bringing several benefits such as stress reduction, insomnia, in addition to stimulating focus and productivity at work or studies. Check out the step-by-step to learn to meditate alone.

Fear of doing nothing can become a disease