Home Bulls Bartholin cyst: causes, symptoms and treatment

Bartholin cyst: causes, symptoms and treatment


The Bartholin's gland is located in the anterior part of the vagina and has the function of lubricating it, especially during intimate contact. However, this gland can become inflamed and become blocked due to the accumulation of fluid within the gland itself, giving rise to the Bartholin cyst.

Bartholin's cyst is usually painless, has no symptoms and can be spontaneously cured. However, when the liquid becomes infected with pus, giving rise to infection of the gland, which has the name of acute Bartolinitis, the region can become red, swollen and very painful, and pus can still escape.

In these cases, treatment is necessary and can be done with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic remedies prescribed by the gynecologist, home remedies, hot baths or surgery.

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Possible causes

Bartholin's cyst can arise due to the accumulation of lubricating fluid within the gland itself, which can also favor the accumulation of bacteria in the region, resulting in bartolinitis. Infection of the Bartholin cyst can happen due to the practice of unprotected intimate relationships, as there is a greater risk of transmission of bacteria such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis , for example, which can reach the cyst and result in infection and inflammation.

In addition, cyst infection can happen due to poor care of intimate hygiene, such as incorrect washing of the genital region, for example, in which bacteria from the intestinal tract can infect the gland.

In this way, the appearance of the Bartholin cyst can be avoided through the use of condoms and the maintenance of hygiene habits of the intimate region.

Know other types of cysts can arise in the vagina.

Main symptoms

The Bartholin cyst usually does not cause symptoms or is contagious, however, the woman may have the feeling of having a ball or lump in her vagina when she feels the area, and that lump may be swollen and red. When the cyst becomes infected, other symptoms may appear, such as:

  • Exit of pus; Red, hot, very painful and swollen region, similar to a boil; Nodule close to the vaginal opening, usually in more advanced cases; Pain and discomfort when walking or sitting and during intimate contact; Fever.

In the presence of these symptoms, consult the gynecologist to guide the treatment.

Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland in pregnancy

Inflammation of the Bartholin's gland in pregnancy is usually not a cause for concern, because the appearance of the cyst is painless and ends up disappearing naturally and, therefore, the woman may have a normal delivery.

When the Bartholin cyst becomes infected in pregnancy, it is important to carry out the treatment as instructed by the doctor, as this way it is possible to eliminate the bacteria and there is no risk for the pregnant woman or the baby.

How to treat

The treatment of the inflamed Bartholin's gland should be guided by the gynecologist, but it is usually done with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs and, when there is infection, with antibiotics and sitz baths with hot water to relieve inflammation and eliminate pus.

The surgery for the Bartholin gland is indicated only when there is formation of the Bartholin cyst and can be done by draining the cyst fluid, removing the cyst or removing the Bartholin glands themselves. Find out how the treatment for Bartholin's cyst is done.

Bartholin cyst: causes, symptoms and treatment