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Gonorrhea has a cure?


Gonorrhea can be cured when the couple undergoes complete treatment as recommended by the gynecologist or urologist. This consists of the use of antibiotics and sexual abstinence during the total period of treatment. In addition, after the end of treatment it is recommended that the person return to the doctor if the symptoms reappear.

Although it is possible to achieve a cure, it is not definitive, that is, if a person is again exposed to the bacteria, they can develop the infection again. Therefore, it is important to use condoms in all sexual relations to avoid not only gonorrhea, but also other sexually transmitted infections.

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae , which affects the urogenital system and which normally does not cause symptoms, being identified only during routine examinations. See how to identify Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection .

How to cure gonorrhea

To cure gonorrhea it is important that the person follows the treatment recommended by the doctor. Treatment must be carried out by the couple, even if no symptoms are identified, because even if the infection is asymptomatic, there is a risk of transmission. In addition, the treatment must be carried out for the period indicated by the gynecologist or urologist to prevent the antibiotic resistance from being favored and, thus, it is possible to avoid supergonorrhea.

The treatment recommended by the doctor usually consists of the use of Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone or Ciprofloxacin. Currently, the use of Ciprofloxacino has decreased due to the increased incidence of supergonorrhea, which corresponds to the bacteria resistant to Ciprofloxacino.

During treatment it is recommended not to have sex, not even with a condom, and it is important that both partners are treated to avoid recontamination. If the partners are again exposed to the bacteria, they can develop the disease again and, therefore, the use of condoms is recommended in all relationships.

Understand how gonorrhea treatment should be done.

Supergonorrhea treatment

The cure for supergonorrhea is more difficult to achieve precisely because of the bacterium's resistance to existing antibiotics and normally used in treatment. Therefore, when it is indicated in the antibiogram that the Neisseria gonorrhoeae associated with the infection is resistant, the treatment indicated by the doctor is in most cases longer and it is necessary that the person undergo periodic examinations to verify whether the treatment is being effective or if the bacteria developed new resistance.

In addition, due to the fact that the bacteria is resistant, monitoring is important to prevent the bacteria from spreading through the body and resulting in complications such as sterility, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy, meningitis, bone and cardiac disorders and sepsis, that can put a person’s life at risk.

Gonorrhea has a cure?