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How to lose weight while walking


Walking is an aerobic exercise that when performed daily, alternated with more intense exercises and associated with an adequate diet, can help you lose weight, improve blood circulation, posture and lose your belly. The brisk walk can burn between 300 and 400 calories in 1 hour, it is important that walking or other physical activity is practiced on a regular basis so that the results are maintained.

When the walk is done regularly and associated with a diet prescribed by a nutritionist according to the person's goal, the weight loss promoted by the walk is enhanced. Learn how to do a walking workout to lose weight.

Walking also has other health benefits, such as lowering cholesterol, increasing bone mass and decreasing the risk of diabetes. In addition, it is indicated for individuals of all ages and physical conditions, as long as it respects its limitations. Know the benefits of walking.

Tips to lose weight with walking

For weight loss with walking, it is important that the person walks fast so that they can reach the resistance zone, which corresponds to 60 to 70% of the maximum heart rate. When you reach this area, the person starts to sweat and starts to have heavier breathing. Other tips that can be followed are:

  • Pay attention to breathing while walking, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth at a natural pace, avoiding depriving the body of oxygen; Walk at least 30 minutes a day 3 to 4 times a week and maintain regular physical activity; intensity and speed of the walk; Avoid the monotony of the route, trying to vary the route. Doing exercise outdoors is great, as it increases energy levels and allows the body to burn more calories; Wear clothes and shoes suitable for physical activity; Associate pleasure with physical activity through music, for example, making exercise more pleasurable and increasing the feeling of well-being; during the walk it is important to make the whole body work, moving the arms according to the step, contracting the abdomen, puffing the chest and keeping the tip of the feet slightly elevated.

Before the walk it is interesting to warm up the body, preparing the muscles for the activity and avoiding injuries. The warm-up should be done dynamically, with skips, for example. After the activity, it is important to stretch to reduce the risk of cramps and the concentration of lactic acid in the muscles. See the benefits of warming up and stretching.

What to eat to increase weight loss

To promote weight loss promoted by walking, it is important to follow a diet rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits, whole foods and seeds, such as chia and flaxseed, for example. In addition, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fats and sugars, in addition to industrialized products rich in calories, such as snacks, soft drinks, ready and frozen food and processed meats, such as sausage, sausage and bacon, for example. Know the fruits that lose weight and their calories.

During the walk, it is recommended to drink water to stay hydrated and after physical activity, have a small meal containing carbohydrates and proteins, such as low-fat yogurt with 5 cornstarch biscuits or natural fruit juice with whole grain bread and cheese, for example. Here's how to eat well to burn fat and build muscle in the video:

How to lose weight while walking