A great home remedy for flatulence is to drink the watercress or carrot juice, as long as they are well concentrated. However, some medicinal plants can also be mixed with tea to decrease the amount of gas in the intestine.
In addition, it is important to drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, consume foods rich in fiber and avoid foods that are more likely to cause flatulence, such as beans or broccoli, for example. See a more complete list of foods that cause more flatulence.
1. Watercress juice
An excellent home remedy for flatulence is the watercress juice, as the watercress has digestive properties that help to improve the functioning of the intestine, eliminating food scraps that may be causing the gases.
- 1 handful of watercress.
Method of preparation:
Pass the watercress through the centrifuge and drink the juice immediately afterwards. It is not recommended to sweeten or add water, although the amount is not very large, since the concentrated juice is sufficient to improve digestion and fight excess gas naturally.
2. Carrot juice
Carrot juice is another good option for those who suffer from excess flatulence, as raw carrots are rich in fiber and carbohydrates that do not promote bacterial fermentation of the intestine, reducing the formation of gases in the intestine.
- 1 medium carrot.
Method of preparation:
Pass 1 carrot through the centrifuge and drink the concentrated juice 30 minutes before lunch or eat 1 raw carrot, chewing well.
3. Herbal tea
Another great natural remedy to treat flatulence is to drink herbal tea prepared with anise, fennel and caraway.
- 1/2 teaspoon of aniseed1 / 2 teaspoon of lemongrass1 / 2 teaspoon of caraway1 cup of boiling water
Method of preparation
Add the herbs to the cup of boiling water and let stand for 5 minutes, properly covered. When it is warm, strain and drink next.
Gases are the result of food decomposition and are formed by bacterial action, being normal. However, when they appear in excess they can cause pain in the belly in the form of stitches and a feeling of bulging belly. The use of the aforementioned tea and charcoal can be very effective.