Home Symptoms Tapioca



Tapioca if consumed in moderate amounts and without fatty or sweet fillings helps to lose weight, because it is great for decreasing appetite. It is a good alternative to bread, which can be integrated into the diet to vary and increase the nutritional value of the food.

This food is a healthy source of energy. It is made from cassava gum, which is a low-fiber type of starch, so the ideal is to mix chia or flaxseed seeds, for example, to help lower the glycemic index of tapioca and further promote the sensation of satiety.

Benefits of Tapioca

The main benefits and advantages of eating tapioca are:

  • It has low sodium content, so it is ideal for those who follow a low salt diet; It does not contain gluten, making it an excellent option for people with gluten allergy or intolerance. Energy and carbohydrate sources; No need for addition of oil or fats in its preparation; Contains potassium, therefore helping to control blood pressure; Rich in calcium, being therefore beneficial for bone health.

In addition, one of the things that makes tapioca a special food is its pleasant taste, and the fact that it is a very versatile food, which can be combined with different fillings and can therefore be used for breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner.

Can diabetics eat tapioca?

Because it has a high glycemic index, tapioca should not be consumed in excess by people with diabetes or overweight, it is especially important not to use fillings with too many fats or too many calories. See how to make sweet potato bread with low glycemic index and that helps you lose weight.

Who has gastritis can eat tapioca?

The tapioca dough does not cause any changes for those who have gastritis, however, those who suffer from gastritis and poor digestion should avoid very fatty fillings, preferring a lighter version, based on fruits, for example.

3 delicious Tapioca recipes to replace bread

The ideal is to eat tapioca once a day, approximately 3 tablespoons, because although it is a food with several benefits it should be eaten in moderation. In addition, in order not to put on weight it is necessary to be careful with the filling that is added, and so here are some very natural, healthy and low-calorie suggestions:

1. Tapioca with white cheese and Goji berry berries

To prepare a tapioca meal rich in antioxidants you will need:


  • 2 slices of white and lean cheese, 1 tablespoon of unsweetened red fruit glacier, 1 tablespoon with blueberries and Goji berry berries, 1 or 2 chopped walnuts.

Method of preparation:

After preparing the tapioca in a frying pan without adding oils or fats, add the slices of cheese, spread the jam well and finally add the mixture of fruits and nuts. Finally, just roll the tapioca and you're ready to eat.

2. Chicken, Cheese and Basil Tapioca

If you need an option for dinner or if you have just arrived from training and need a protein-rich meal, you will need:


  • 1 steak or chicken breast; some fresh basil leaves; 1 slice of white lean cheese; tomato cut into slices.

Method of preparation:

Start by preparing the tapioca in a frying pan without adding oils or fats and grill the steak or chicken breast separately. Add the cheese and chicken, spread some basil leaves, add the sliced ​​tomatoes and wrap the tapioca well.

3. Strawberry and Chocolate Tapioca

If you want to prepare a snack or dessert with tapioca, you will need:


  • 3 or 4 strawberries; 1 low-fat natural yogurt; 1 square of dark or semi-bitter chocolate.

Method of preparation:

In a small saucepan, melt the chocolate square in a water bath, remove from heat and mix with the nonfat yogurt. After the tapioca is ready, add the diced strawberries or slices, add the yogurt with the chocolate and if you prefer, add some more chocolate shavings. Roll up the tapioca and it's ready to eat.

In any of these recipes, 1 teaspoon of chia or flaxseed seeds can be added, for example, because they are rich in fiber, they help in the functioning of the intestine, increase satiety and lower the glycemic index of tapioca and thus help to lose weight.

See also how to use Sagu, another product derived from cassava that also does not contain gluten.
