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When menstruation returns after childbirth


Menstruation after the baby is born can take about 2 months to 1 year to come, depending on whether the woman breastfeeds or not. For women who breastfeed exclusively, menstruation can come only when the baby stops breastfeeding, or greatly decreases the frequency of feedings, around 1 year of age. For those who choose not to breastfeed, menstruation can come in about 2 months after birth, but even so, it is normal for it to be deregulated initially.

Bleeding that occurs during the first 45 to 56 days after normal or cesarean delivery is not considered menstruation and is due to the blood that covered the uterus and placenta, being scientifically called Lochia. The first period should come after ovulation, just after the end of this bleeding.

See when to worry about postpartum bleeding

When will the first menstruation come after childbirth

For women taking continuous contraceptives, there should be no menstruation, although sporadically minor vaginal bleeding may occur during the month. For women who do not use hormonal contraceptives, menstruation will depend only on how breastfeeding is done:

How is breastfeeding When menstruation will come
Does not breastfeed 2 months after the baby is born
Breastfeed and bottle feed 3 to 4 months after the baby is born
Breastfeed exclusively 6 months to 1 year after the baby is born

Basically, the more the baby suckles, the more distant the menstruation will come, but as soon as the baby starts to decrease the feedings, the woman's body reacts and she can ovulate, with the menstruation coming soon after. As the first ovulation after childbirth is unpredictable, the woman must adopt a contraceptive method between 10 and 15 days after birth, so as not to run the risk of becoming pregnant again.

Menstrual flow may be slightly different from what the woman was used to before becoming pregnant, there may be changes in the amount of blood lost and color. It is normal for menstruation to be irregular, coming in greater or lesser amounts for 2 or 3 months, but after that period it is expected to become more regular. In case of doubt, consult the gynecologist.

A popular belief is that menstruation decreases the amount of breast milk, but it is the exact opposite, because the less milk a woman produces, the greater the chance of ovulating and that menstruation will come down.

When to use contraception again

The woman must return to use a contraceptive method immediately after birth. If you choose to use the contraceptive, you should start taking it between 10 and 15 days after delivery, even if you do not have sex, due to the withdrawal period. Learn more about contraceptive use in breastfeeding.

When menstruation returns after childbirth