Home Bulls Herniated disc in pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

Herniated disc in pregnancy: symptoms and treatment


Herniated discs in pregnancy can cause severe back pain that can radiate to the glutes and leg, causing tingling and impairing quality of life, requiring medical help. The doctor may prescribe the use of analgesic, anti-inflammatory drugs, or an injection of corticosteroids to control pain, but physical therapy performed with hot compresses, stretching and spinal traction may also be indicated.

In addition, osteopathy is also a great ally because it manages to realign structures such as muscles, tendons and the organs themselves, bringing immediate pain relief, without the use of drugs. Acupuncture is another alternative because it rebalances the body's energies, combats pain and inflammation bringing relief from symptoms.

Herniated Disc Symptoms in Pregnancy

Symptoms of herniated discs in pregnancy can be more intense and the woman may have:

  • Intense back pain that can radiate to the butt or to one of the legs; There may be a tingling, tingling or numbness sensation in the back, butt, groin or leg.

As these symptoms can also happen when the sciatic nerve is affected, the doctor may not always conclude that it is a herniated disc, without exams. The ideal would be to perform MRI and an X-ray but these tests should not be performed during pregnancy.

Treatment options

Treatment options for herniated discs in pregnancy should be recommended by the obstetrician and may be indicated:

1. Remedies

During pregnancy the woman should not take medication without being advised by the doctor because many pass it on to the baby. In case of mild pain, which does not subside with rest and warm compresses, Paracetamol can be used, with a maximum daily dose of 1g, Ibuprofen and Tramadol can also be used, but only with medical advice.

When this is not sufficient for pain control, the doctor may recommend an injection of corticosteroids, which usually eliminates the pain completely, but should only be applied in the most severe cases, where the pain in the back and legs is very intense.

2. Physiotherapy

It is possible to control the pain through resources such as hot compresses and stretches that must be performed with the help of the physiotherapist, so as not to aggravate the pain. Resting on your side, with a pillow between your legs, is also recommended in times of pain.

Massage is not always indicated, because certain points of the spine can help stimulate childbirth, in addition the equipment normally used in physiotherapy is contraindicated during pregnancy. The physiotherapist can also put adhesive strips to help better hold the belly, which brings relief from pain.

Outside the moments of crisis, clinical pilates exercises are another excellent way to keep your spine muscles firm and help prevent a new crisis. Know some exercises that can be done during pregnancy to relieve symptoms.

3. Osteopathy

Osteopathy is a type of treatment in which the joints are twisted, including the spine, which cause states that help to release the accumulated energy within these joints, bringing a feeling of relief and greater possibility of movement. In some cases, repositioning the organs, such as the liver also helps fight pain, bringing great relief from symptoms. The sessions are held with the osteopath, about once a week.

4. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is also a good option for times of mild to moderate pain. It helps to deflate the structures and balance the energies of the body, so that it flows better, which usually brings pain relief, without problems for the baby.

5. Surgery

When the symptoms are very intense and there is no improvement in pain when undergoing physical therapy, taking medications and with other alternatives, spine surgery can also be indicated, which is an option to be considered.

Risks of herniated discs during pregnancy

Not all women with herniated discs will experience a crisis during pregnancy, because the hormone relaxin, present because of pregnancy, makes the tendons and ligaments more flexible, which may be enough to prevent severe back pain in the back. pregnancy.

However, in the most severe cases, when a woman has more than one herniated disc, extruded or kidnapped, a herniated disc crisis can be so severe that it causes many disorders. The woman may be 'stuck' and find it difficult to move around, wear tall shoes or hold an older child in her lap, for example.

However, there is no absolute risk related to the baby, but since the baby feels everything the mother feels, despite not feeling her pain, she may be exposed to more cortisol, which can make her more agitated. some research shows that there is a higher risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, and speech delay in children of women stressed during pregnancy.

How is delivery

In case of herniated discs during pregnancy, delivery should be discussed with the obstetrician because there is no absolute indication or contraindication for cesarean or normal delivery. Normally, when a woman is not in crisis in the last month of pregnancy, it is possible to have a normal delivery, but even if she has a crisis in the last few weeks or if a crisis begins during delivery, epidural anesthesia can completely eliminate the pain.

How to protect yourself

Some good advice for women who have herniated discs to avoid a pregnancy crisis are:

  • Avoid making great efforts, respecting the limits of the body and taking advantage of the help of companions or other people who can help; Do not wear high shoes daily, preferring shoes with a maximum height of 3 cm and very comfortable; When lifting objects from the floor, always squat first, instead of leaning forward; Before becoming pregnant the woman can do Clinical Pilates to strengthen her back, improve posture and gain more flexibility.

Another important precaution is to avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy because this further worsens spinal lordosis, contributing to worsening symptoms. Thus, the pregnant woman should not put on more than 10 kg during the whole pregnancy.

Also, see in the video below what to do to prevent and relieve back pain during pregnancy:

Herniated disc in pregnancy: symptoms and treatment