Home Symptoms Teratoma in the ovary: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Teratoma in the ovary: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Teratoma is a type of tumor that arises due to the proliferation of germ cells, which are cells found only in the ovaries and testicles, responsible for reproduction and capable of giving rise to any tissue in the body.

Thus, it is common for teratoma to appear in the ovary, being more frequent in young women. Ovarian teratoma may not cause any symptoms, but it can also cause pain or increase in abdominal volume, depending on its size or if it affects structures around the ovaries.

Ovarian teratoma can be differentiated into:

  • Benign teratoma: also known as mature teratoma or dermoid cyst, it is the type of teratoma that appears in most cases, and its treatment is done with its removal by surgery; Malignant teratoma: also called immature teratoma, it is a type of cancer that can spread to other tissues of the body, and it appears in about 15% of the cases. Treatment is done with removal of the affected ovary and chemotherapy.

When developing, a teratoma forms a tumor composed of several different types of tissues, so in its structure there may be skin, cartilage, bones, teeth and even hair. Understand better how a teratoma is formed and its characteristics.

Main symptoms

In many cases, ovarian teratoma does not cause symptoms, and can be discovered accidentally on routine exams. When symptoms appear, the most common is abdominal pain or discomfort, especially in the lower abdomen, Other signs that can appear are uterine bleeding or growth of the belly, usually when the tumor grows a lot or produces fluids around it. When the teratoma grows too far out of the ovary, a torsion or even rupture of the tumor may appear, which causes severe abdominal pain, requiring assistance in the emergency room for evaluation.

Generally, teratoma, like other cysts on the ovary, does not cause infertility, unless it causes extensive ovarian involvement, and in most cases the woman can become pregnant normally. See more about the types of cyst in the ovary and symptoms they can cause.

How to confirm

To confirm teratoma in the ovary, the gynecologist may order tests such as abdominal ultrasound, transvaginal ultrasound or computed tomography, for example.

Although imaging tests show signs of the type of tumor, confirmation of whether it is benign or malignant is done after analysis of your tissues in the laboratory.

How the treatment is done

The main form of treatment for teratoma is the removal of the tumor, preserving the ovary whenever possible. However, in some cases, it is necessary to remove the affected ovary completely, especially if there are signs of malignancy or when the ovary has been severely compromised by the tumor.

Most of the time, the surgery is done by videolaparoscopy, a more practical, quick method that makes recovery faster. However, if cancer is suspected and the teratoma is very large, conventional open surgery may be necessary.

In addition, if the presence of cancer is confirmed, the doctor may indicate chemotherapy to optimize treatment. Check out how the treatment for ovarian cancer is done.

Teratoma in the ovary: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment