Home Symptoms Rectal prolapse: main symptoms and diagnosis

Rectal prolapse: main symptoms and diagnosis


Rectal prolapse is characterized by abdominal pain, feeling of incomplete bowel movement, difficulty defecating, burning in the anus and feeling of heaviness in the rectum, in addition to being able to see the rectum, which is a damp, dark red tissue in the shape of a tube.

Rectal prolapse is more common to happen from the age of 60 due to the weakening of the muscles in the region, however it can also happen in children due to the lack of development of the muscles, or due to the force performed at the time of evacuation.

Main symptoms

The main symptom of rectal prolapse is the observation of dark red, moist, tube-like tissue outside the anus. Other symptoms associated with rectal prolapse are:

  • Difficulty defecating; Sensation of incomplete bowel movement; Abdominal cramps; Changes in bowel habits; Diarrhea; Presence of mucus or blood in the stools; Sensation of the presence of a mass in the anal area; Bleeding in the anus; Sensation of pressure and weight in the rectum; Discomfort and burning sensation in the anus.

Rectal prolapse is more frequent in women over 60 years of age, because the anal muscle is weak and in people with a prolonged history of constipation due to an intense effort when evacuating.

However, rectal prolapse can also occur in children up to 3 years of age because the muscles and ligaments of the rectum are still developing.

Treatment for rectal prolapse

Treatment for rectal prolapse involves compressing one buttock against the other, manually inserting the rectum into the anus, increasing the intake of fiber-rich foods and drinking about 2 liters of water per day. Surgery can also be recommended in cases where rectal prolapse is frequent. See what to do in case of rectal prolapse.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of rectal prolapse is made by the doctor by assessing the anal orifice of the person standing or crouching with force, so the doctor can assess the extent of the prolapse and indicate the best form of treatment.

In addition, the doctor can perform digital rectal examination in addition to other tests such as contrast radiography, colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy, which is an examination done to assess the mucosa of the final part of the intestine. Understand what sigmoidoscopy is and how it is done.

Rectal prolapse: main symptoms and diagnosis