Heartburn is the symptom that causes a burning sensation in the stomach area, which can extend up to the throat, and usually happens after eating a lot or eating foods high in fat, which are more difficult to digest.
This symptom is more common in pregnant women or overweight people, because in these situations the stomach suffers pressure from the surrounding structures, however, when it is constant, it tends to appear when there is a stomach ulcer, gastritis, hiatus hernia or gastric reflux, for example.
In addition, in the most severe cases, the reflux of hydrochloric acid from the stomach can reach the entire esophagus, causing a burning in the chest region that is called pyrosis, in addition to causing coughing, bitter taste in the mouth and constant belching. Learn more about how to identify whether constant heartburn can be reflux.
Main symptoms
Classic symptoms of heartburn and burning include:
- Poor digestion and full stomach feeling; Food reflux; Constant and involuntary belching; Swollen stomach; Acid or bitter taste in the mouth; Pain and burning sensation in the throat.
Lifestyle changes are very important for heartburn sufferers, but there are cases where heartburn is not just caused by eating habits, with other clinical situations included, so people suffering from heartburn more than once a week, recurrently, they should go to the doctor for tests.
The gastroenterologist may order tests such as upper digestive endoscopy, for example, which is an examination that may show changes in the larynx and esophagus such as Barrett's esophagus, and check the proper functioning of the valve that closes the stomach and prevents reflux of food to the esophagus. If this valve is not well, specific medications for this purpose should be advised. Learn more about how digestive endoscopy is done and how this test can identify stomach changes.
How is the treatment
A great home remedy to end heartburn is fennel tea. It should be drunk in small, warm sips after meals. Other options are to drink the juice of a pure lemon or half a glass of cold milk. In addition, it is also recommended:
- Do not eat too much; Avoid acidic, greasy, spicy or too spicy foods; Do not smoke; Do not drink anything with meals; Do not lie down right after eating; Use a high pillow to sleep or place a 10 cm wedge on the headboard; Do not wear tight or tight clothes; Do not go too long without eating; Do physical exercises regularly; Only take medications under medical guidance.
The best remedies for heartburn are antacids, such as Ranitidine, Pepsamar and Omeprazole. But it is important to say that antacids work by lowering stomach acid and can be effective in heartburn, but they do not always resolve the cause of heartburn, so it is important to see a doctor. Learn more about home treatment options and heartburn remedies.
Check out our video for more natural tips to relieve reflux symptoms: