- Homemade treatment for red stretch marks
- Homemade treatment for purple stretch marks
- Homemade scrub recipes
- Homemade anti-stretch mark cream recipe
The best way to combat stretch marks at home, is to exfoliate the skin and then apply a good moisturizing cream or oil right after, because this way the skin is properly stimulated and can regenerate, leaving the stretch marks smaller, thinner and lower, becoming almost imperceptible, and in some cases they may disappear completely.
Stretch marks are scars on the skin that occur when the skin stretches too much, as in pregnancy, for example. Red stretch marks are the most recent and the easiest to treat, and white stretch marks are the oldest and most difficult to treat, but, in most cases, they can be eliminated.
Homemade treatment for red stretch marks
The best solution for red stretch marks, which are the newest and which appeared recently is to moisturize your skin a lot, using moisturizing cream or oil every day, at least twice a day.
In addition, it is also important not to wear clothes that are too tight because this favors stretch marks and to avoid sudden weight gain, because in this case the skin stretches too fast and the fibers break more easily, favoring stretch marks.
The red stretch marks itch a lot, but it is not recommended to scratch because this act favors the rupture of the skin, leaving them even more fragile and prone to stretch marks. Putting the cream inside the refrigerator is a good option because the cool temperature helps to reduce itching, contributing to the elimination of stretch marks.
Exfoliation should not be done at this stage because it can aggravate the appearance of stretch marks.
Homemade treatment for purple stretch marks
The purple streaks are in an intermediate stage, and they are not so new and they do not itch so much. While the person has stretch marks of that color, what is recommended is to exfoliate the skin, to increase blood circulation and apply a stretch mark cream right after. This way the cream can penetrate even more into the skin, having a bigger and better effect.
Homemade scrub recipes
Exfoliation can be done with homemade mixes or industrialized exfoliants. Some good homemade options are:
- Coffee grounds: Mix 2 tablespoons of coffee grounds and 2 tablespoons of liquid soap; Cornmeal and yogurt: 2 tablespoons of thick cornmeal sludge and 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt; Sugar and oil: 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil and 2 tablespoons of white sugar; Bicarbonate with water: 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 2 tablespoons of water.
This type of exfoliation can be done up to 2 times a week. You can rub these mixtures with your hands, cotton pad, exfoliation gloves, or vegetable loofah. Passing the fine comb over the streaks in the vertical, horizontal and diagonal directions for about 5 to 10 minutes is also an easy strategy to increase blood circulation, preparing the skin for the use of the following cream.
Homemade anti-stretch mark cream recipe
This homemade recipe can be used in abundance on the breasts, belly, legs and buttocks, especially during pregnancy and weight loss periods, as they are moments in life where the appearance of stretch marks is easier.
- 1 level cream (from the blue can) 1 tube of hypoglosses 1 ampoule of arovit (vitamin A) 1 bottle of almond oil (100 ml)
Method of preparation
Mix all ingredients and place in a clean, closed jar and keep in the refrigerator. This cream should be used daily in all areas affected by stretch marks.
In addition, another excellent remedy that helps to disguise stretch marks is Rosehip oil, see how to use by clicking here.
Watch the following video and see other tips that help eliminate stretch marks: