Home Symptoms How to recognize oxyurus and its symptoms

How to recognize oxyurus and its symptoms


The most common symptom of oxyurus, which is a disease caused by Enterobius vermicularis , popularly known as oxyurus, is intense anal itching, especially at night, which happens because the worm's females go to the anus to lay their eggs in the perianal region. causing the symptoms.

As it causes severe itching at night, it is also possible that there is a change in sleep. In addition, if there are a large number of parasites, other symptoms, such as weight loss, nausea, irritability, vomiting and abdominal cramps, may arise.

In girls, the infection can also cause vaginal contamination, generating vaginitis and even infertility if the parasites multiply in the tubes and cause their blockage. In case the parasite goes up through the intestine, it can reach the appendix and generate an acute appendicitis, although this is not very common.

If you have anal itching, check the symptoms below and find out other possible causes of this symptom:

  1. 1. Pain or difficulty defecating Yes No
  2. 2. Presence of blood on toilet paper Yes No
  3. 3. Peeling and redness in the anus Yes No
  4. 4. Presence of small white dots in the stool Yes No
  5. 5. Itching that appeared during or after using antibiotics Yes No
  6. 6. Itching that appears or worsens after epilation, after wearing some type of underwear or absorbent Yes No
  7. 7. Itchiness that arose after unprotected anal sex Yes No

How to recognize Oxyurus

Oxyurus is scientifically known as Enterobius vermicularis and is a thin, cylindrical parasite that can measure between 0.3 mm and 1 cm in length. These parasites inhabit the intestine and females usually move to the perianal region to lay their eggs, causing intense itching. The eggs of Enterobius vermicularis are transparent, have a D-shaped oval shape and contain the larvae developed inside, however they are only viewed microscopically.

When a person is contaminated with this worm, his clothes and used bedding may contain eggs of this parasite and, therefore, there may be the contagion of other people. Therefore, it is important that if a case of oxyurus is detected in the family, that specific hygiene care is taken, such as washing clothes and bedding separately at high temperature and avoiding the sharing of towels, for example. In addition, it is recommended that the whole family undergo treatment, even if there are no symptoms.

Small parasites have nocturnal habits, so it is during this period that the person feels the most itchy anus. The diagnosis of oxyurus is made by the doctor by assessing the signs and symptoms presented by the person and by examining the tape, which is still widely used in laboratory practice. This test consists of pasting an adhesive tape on the perianal region, preferably in the morning before the person is washing or defecating, and then observing it microscopically, with the eggs of this parasite being visible.

Despite being a widely used method, this method can damage eggs and limit other laboratory processes. Therefore, the collection can be performed using a swab, which is then passed on the slide and taken for observation.

How the treatment is done

If oxyurus is confirmed, the doctor may recommend the use of remedies for worms such as Albendazole or Mebendazole in a single dose. Understand how the treatment for oxyurus should be done.

Here are some options for home remedies for worms, and how to protect yourself by watching the following video:

How to recognize oxyurus and its symptoms