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Symptoms of each type of fibroid


Uterine fibroids can cause several symptoms, which vary according to their size, quantity and location in the uterus. The most frequent symptoms are abdominal cramps and bleeding outside the menstrual period, but in some cases the presence of fibroids does not cause symptoms, being discovered only during routine examinations.

Because it is a benign tumor, the fibroid does not usually bring dangers to the woman's health, and its symptoms can be controlled through treatments with surgery to remove the fibroid or drugs to relieve the symptoms that should be recommended by the gynecologist.

Main symptoms of fibroid

In some women the presence of fibroids does not cause symptoms and is only discovered during routine examinations. However, in some cases symptoms may arise that vary according to the type, quantity and size of the fibroid, the main ones being:

  • Increased blood flow and menstrual period duration; Bleeding outside the menstrual period; Abdominal pain and cramps in the uterus; Feeling of pressure in the belly; Increased urge to urinate or urinary incontinence; Constipation; Pain during sexual intercourse; Difficulty getting pregnant.

In the case of pregnant women, the symptoms of fibroids are the same, but they can become stronger during pregnancy, it is important to stay at rest so as not to put the baby's health at risk. See other symptoms of changes in the uterus.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids can also vary according to the type of fibroid, such as:

  • Subserous fibroids, which are those that are on the outside of the uterus and, therefore, can grow larger and push the organs around, causing the urge to urinate, diarrhea or constipation. When they hang out of the uterus, they are called pedicled fibroids; Intramural fibroids, which are located inside the wall that forms the uterus, and in this way, can cause more abdominal pain, cramps and pain during intimate contact; Submucosal fibroids, which are inside the uterus, and cause more bleeding and difficulty getting pregnant.

In addition, if the woman has many fibroids or if she is large, the symptoms may be more severe. Learn more about the types of uterine fibroids.

Tests to confirm the fibroid

The diagnosis of uterine myoma is made by the gynecologist by observing the vagina and palpating the abdomen to feel the contour of the uterus. If the woman has symptoms or changes experienced during a clinical examination, abdominal or transvaginal ultrasound may be recommended.

In addition, in some cases the doctor may request more specific tests, such as hysteroscopy, hysterosonography and hysterosalpingography, for example, which are important to assess the uterine cavity.

Find out what can lead to myoma formation.

How the treatment is done

Treatment for fibroids is done in women who have symptoms, and the use of hormonal medications, such as the birth control pill, for example, may be recommended by the medium, with the aim of reducing the size of the fibroid and thus relieving symptoms.

In addition, the doctor may recommend the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Ibuprofen, for example, to relieve symptoms that bother women, such as colic.

In some cases, especially when the fibroid is very large and the symptoms are more intense, surgery to remove the fibroid may be recommended. See how myoma surgery is done.

Symptoms of each type of fibroid