Home Bulls How to use extra virgin coconut oil

How to use extra virgin coconut oil


Extra virgin coconut oil is the type that brings the most health benefits, as it does not undergo refinement processes that end up causing the food to undergo changes and lose nutrients, in addition to not containing additives such as artificial flavorings and preservatives.

The best coconut oil is cold pressed extra virgin, as this ensures that the coconut has not been placed at high temperatures to extract the oil, which would decrease its nutritional benefits.

In addition, oils that are stored in glass containers, which interact less with fat than plastic containers, should be preferred. Here's how to make coconut oil at home.

Nutritional composition of coconut oil

The following table shows the nutritional composition for 100 g and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil:

Amount: 100 g 14 g (1 col of soup)
Energy: 929 kcal 130 kcal
Carbohydrate: - -
Protein: - -
Fat: 100 g 14 g
Saturated fat: 85.71 g 12 g
Monounsaturated fat: 3.57 g 0.5 g
Polyunsaturated fat: - -
Fibers: - -
Cholesterol: - -

How to use coconut oil

Coconut oil can be used in the kitchen to make stews, cakes, pies, grill meats and season salads. The recommended amount is about 1 tablespoon a day, if the person does not intend to use another type of fat, such as olive oil or butter, for example.

In addition, it can be used in masks to hydrate hair and skin, as it acts as a strong natural moisturizer and to fight fungi and bacteria. See 4 Different Applications for Coconut Oil.

Check out these and other health benefits of coconut oil:

How to use extra virgin coconut oil