Home Bulls How to save your hair in 1 month with capillary schedule

How to save your hair in 1 month with capillary schedule


The capillary schedule is a type of intensive hydration treatment that can be done at home or at the beauty salon and is particularly suitable for people with damaged or curly hair who want beautiful and perfectly hydrated hair, without having to resort to chemicals, and without becoming a slave to straightening, permanent, brush and board.

This schedule lasts for 1 month and at the end of the first week you can notice a big difference in the before and after of the hair, because it is much softer, hydrated and shiny, even the day after having done the hydration, nutrition or reconstruction.

How to make

To follow this capillary schedule, wash and moisturize your hair 3 times a week, taking the following precautions with each wash:

Phase 1: When the hair is badly damaged

Week 1 Hydration Nutrition Reconstruction or Cauterization
Week 2 Nutrition Hydration Nutrition
Week 3 Hydration Nutrition Reconstruction or Cauterization
Week 4 Hydration Hydration Nutrition

Phase 2: When the hair is slightly damaged

Week 1 Hydration Nutrition or Wetting Hydration
Week 2 Hydration Hydration Nutrition or Wetting
Week 3 Hydration Nutrition or Wetting Hydration
Week 4 Hydration Nutrition or Wetting Reconstruction or Cauterization

For maintenance: when hair is healthy

Week 1 Hydration Hydration Nutrition or Wetting
Week 2 Hydration Nutrition or Wetting Hydration
Week 3 Hydration Hydration Nutrition or Wetting
Week 4 Hydration Nutrition or Wetting Reconstruction or Cauterization

How to do Hydration

Hydration serves to restore moisture to the hair, and therefore the most suitable masks are those that contain ingredients such as: fruit, chocolate, honey, plant extract or panthenol.

  • Examples of products: These are the hydration masks that can be found in supermarkets and that can be used for 3 minutes, during the bath, for example.

Hydration is responsible for maintaining the natural water of the hair and the best way to guarantee this hydration is to use a shampoo suitable for your hair type and you do not need to use conditioner, applying the mask immediately after washing.

How to do Nutrition

Nutrition serves to replenish the natural oiliness of the threads, and the most suitable products are those that contain oils or butters in their composition. Thus, on the masks label they may contain the words: nutritious, nutrition, butter treat or repair. Vegetable oils can also be used here to moisten.

  • Examples of products: They are easily found in supermarkets and usually have names like deep hydrating mask with avocado oil, or coconut oil, or if it contains butters it can be written: deep hydrating mask with cocoa butter or shea butter, for example. Adding a little coconut oil to your hydration mask is also a great way to get good nutrition.

Nutrition is part of the schedule that replenishes the natural fat present in the hair, which leaves the hair without frizz, without volume, split ends and with a lot of shine.

How to Reconstruct

The reconstruction serves to replace proteins, amino acids and keratin in the hair strands. In this case, the most suitable products must contain ingredients such as keratin, collagen or amino acids. Thus, the products must contain the words: reconstructor, mass repository, repair, rebuild, strength.

  • Examples of products: They are usually found in cosmetic stores, or on the internet, but hypermarkets may also have some keratin options, for example.

Reconstruction or cauterization should only be done every 15 days, or at least once a month, on all types of hair. It will replenish the capillary mass and therefore it is indicated when it presents thin, brittle and opaque threads, the main objective being to strengthen the threads.

How long to do the capillary schedule

The capillary schedule can be carried out for up to 6 months, being possible to stop for 1 month, where it is enough to use shampoo, condition and comb cream, if necessary, and then you can return to the schedule. Some people have no need to stop the schedule because their hair is neither heavy nor oily. If this happens, it may be necessary to change the products and a hairdresser will be able to indicate which stage your hair is in and which schedule is best suited to your needs.

The ideal is that the hydration schedule is maintained for long periods because it is the best way to keep your hair beautiful and hydrated, with frizz-free strands or split ends. A good indication that the treatment is working is not feeling the need to cut your hair, not even the ends.

When results can be seen

Usually in the first month of the capillary schedule you can notice a good difference in the hair, which is much more beautiful, hydrated and without frizz. However, when the hair is badly damaged due to the use of chemicals such as progressive, relaxation or permanent, the best results can be seen in the second month of treatment.

Anyone who is going through the hair transition and no longer wants to straighten the strands artificially can take 6 to 8 months to get their hair completely hydrated and with good definition of the curls, without having to resort to chemicals. But this is only possible if in addition to the schedule, there are daily care with the wires.

How to make my own hair schedule

You can create your own hair schedule, according to what your hair needs. A good way to know if your hair needs hydration, nutrition or reconstruction is to test the porosity of the hair, placing a hair in a glass of water. If the wire floats, it needs hydration, if it stays in the middle it means it needs nutrition and sinking it needs reconstruction.

How to save your hair in 1 month with capillary schedule