Home Symptoms Hemorrhagic dengue: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Hemorrhagic dengue: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment


Hemorrhagic dengue, also known as severe dengue, corresponds to a serious reaction of the body to the dengue virus, leading to the appearance of more serious symptoms that can compromise the person's life, such as altered heartbeat, persistent vomiting and bleeding, which they can be in the eyes, gums, ears and nose.

Hemorrhagic dengue is more frequent in people who have dengue for the 2nd time, and can be differentiated from other types of dengue around the 3rd day with the appearance of bleeding after the appearance of classic dengue symptoms, such as pain in the back of the eyes, fever and body pain. See the other symptoms of this form of the disease.

Although severe, this type of dengue can be cured when it is identified in the initial phase and the treatment mainly involves the control of hydration by injecting serum into the vein, making it necessary for the person to be admitted to the hospital, as this is also the case. possible to be monitored by the medical and nursing staff, avoiding the appearance of complications.

Hemorrhagic dengue symptoms

The symptoms of hemorrhagic dengue are initially the same as common dengue, however after about 3 days more serious signs and symptoms may appear that may be indicative of hemorrhagic dengue, such as:

  • Red spots on the skinBleeding gums, mouth, nose, ears or intestinesPersistent vomiting; Severe abdominal pain; Cold and damp skin; Dry mouth and constant feeling of thirst; Urine with blood; Mental confusion; Red eyes; Change in heartbeat.

Although bleeding is characteristic of hemorrhagic dengue, in some cases it may not happen, which can make diagnosis difficult and delay the start of treatment. Therefore, whenever signs and symptoms indicative of dengue are perceived, it is important to go to the hospital for the investigation to be carried out and appropriate treatment to be started.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of hemorrhagic dengue should be guided by a general practitioner and / or by the infectious disease specialist and must be done at the hospital, since hydration is necessary directly in the vein and monitoring of the person, since in addition to dehydration it is possible that hepatic and cardiac changes may occur, respiratory or blood.

It is important that treatment for hemorrhagic dengue is started within the first 24 hours after the onset of symptoms, and oxygen therapy and blood transfusions may be necessary.

It is recommended to avoid the use of drugs based on acetylsalicylic acid, such as ASA and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, in case of suspected dengue.

Diagnosis of hemorrhagic dengue

The diagnosis of hemorrhagic dengue can be made by observing the symptoms of the disease, but to confirm it, the doctor may order some diagnostic tests such as blood tests and the snare test, which is done by observing more than 20 small spots red in a 2.5 x 2.5 cm square, after 5 minutes of the arm slightly tightened with a tape, indicating that the blood vessels are fragile and the chance of bleeding is high.

In addition, other tests may also be recommended in order to check the severity of the disease, such as blood count and coagulogram, for example. Find out how dengue is diagnosed.

Is hemorrhagic dengue contagious?

Hemorrhagic dengue is not contagious, because like any other type of dengue, it is necessary to bite the Aedes aegypti mosquito infected with the virus to develop the disease. Thus, to prevent mosquito bites and the emergence of dengue it is important to:

  • Avoid the places of dengue epidemic; Use repellents daily; Light a citronella aromatic candle in each room of the house to ward off the mosquito; Place protective screens on all windows and doors to prevent the mosquito from entering the house; Consume food with vitamin K that help blood clotting such as broccoli, cabbage, turnip greens and lettuce that help in the prevention of hemorrhagic dengue. Respect all clinical guidelines regarding the prevention of dengue, avoiding the breeding sites of the dengue mosquito, leaving no clean water or dirty standing nowhere.

These measures are important and must be followed by the entire population in order to reduce dengue cases in the country. Check out the following video for some other tips to ward off the dengue mosquito:

Hemorrhagic dengue: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment