Home Bulls Baby with 4 months: stages of development, feeding and sleep

Baby with 4 months: stages of development, feeding and sleep


The 4-month-old baby smiles, babbles and becomes more interested in people than in objects, as he was until then. At this stage, he begins to play with his own hands, and some when placed face down raise their heads and shoulders. In addition, he begins to show some preference for certain types of toys, and laughs and screams when he is stimulated. For a 4-month-old baby, everything ends up being a game, including the moments of breastfeeding, bathing or strolling.

At this stage it is common for the baby to cough at times, which may not be caused by illnesses such as the flu or cold, but by episodes of choking with saliva or food, so it is very important that parents be very attentive to these situations.

Baby weight at 4 months

The following table indicates the ideal baby weight for this age, however, the weight may vary slightly, and the baby may be more or less weight.

Boys Girls
Weight 6.4 g 6.1 g
Stature 62 cm 61 cm
Cephalic perimeter 41.5 cm 40 cm
Thoracic perimeter 41.5 cm 39.5 cm
Monthly weight gain 600 g 600 g

In general, babies at this stage of development maintain a pattern of weight gain of 600 g per month. If the weight is much above what we indicate here, it is possible that he is overweight, in which case you should see your pediatrician.

Baby sleep at 4 months

The baby's sleep at 4 months during the night starts to become more regular and he sleeps more hours without interruptions, being able to take an interval of up to 9 hours. However, the sleep pattern is different for each baby, with those who sleep a lot, those who sleep naps and those who sleep little. In addition, there are babies who prefer to sleep with their mother or father, others who sleep well alone.

In general, the period when the baby is most awake is between 3 pm and 7 pm, which is the ideal time for visits.

Baby development at 4 months

The 4-month-old baby plays with his fingers, manages to hold small objects, turns his head in any direction and, when lying on his stomach, he stands up, leaning on his elbows. When he is on his back, the baby likes to look at his hands and feet, he can sit for a few seconds when supported and follows objects with his eyes, turning his head.

They love to be on their laps and everything for them is a joke, they also like to be without clothes, strolling around in a stroller, holding a rattle and making noises. Normally, a 4-month-old baby has a tendency to be more peaceful with his mother and more agitated and playful with his father.

At this age, they already verbalize some sounds similar to gargling, they manage to emit different sounds babbling vowels and small squeals. Learn all about baby development at Baby Development at 4 months.

In addition, during this period it is important to be aware of the baby's reactions to stimuli, as during this period it is already possible to identify some problems such as hearing problems for example. Learn How to identify if the baby does not hear well.

Watch the video to find out what the baby does at this stage and how you can help him develop faster:

Baby feeding at 4 months

Feeding the 4-month-old baby should be done exclusively with breast milk whenever possible. The different types of powdered milk are also an alternative for food, and there is also the alternative of introducing crushed or boiled raw fruit or gluten-free porridge under the guidance of the pediatrician.

The baby already has some gastrointestinal maturity and in order to educate his taste, other foods may start to be introduced according to medical advice. Learn more about baby feeding at this stage in Baby Food for 4-6 month old babies.

How to avoid accidents at this stage

To avoid accidents with the baby from 4 to 6 months, parents need to adopt strategies to keep them safe, such as buying good quality toys, always with the Inmetro symbol, because this way it is possible to reduce the risk of suffocation and toxicity, for example. example.

See How to tell if the toy is safe for your child.

Other safety measures that parents should take are:

  • Do not leave the baby alone on the bed or changing table, as it may roll and fall; Do not leave the baby alone in the bath near a tap because it can open the hot water and get burned; Be aware of the paint in the crib and the walls of the house so that they do not contain lead, as the baby can bite and ingest the toxic product; The rattles must be of good quality so that they do not break easily and the baby swallows the objects inside; Stir and crush the baby food very well to give the baby not to choke; use protectors in all outlets that are within reach of the baby; do not leave any loose wires around the house; do not leave small objects within the reach of the child, such as buttons, marble and beans a small gate at the beginning and at the end of the stairs so that the baby does not go up or down alone.

To avoid sunburn on the baby, you should apply sunscreen on the baby with a high factor and redouble every 2 hours, avoid exposure to the sun between 9 am and 5 pm and put on a hat.

It is important for parents to follow these measures, as this way they are able to prevent accidents such as choking, choking, burning and falls that can be serious and even fatal for the baby.

Baby with 4 months: stages of development, feeding and sleep