Home Symptoms Hairy black tongue: possible causes and treatment

Hairy black tongue: possible causes and treatment


The black tongue is not usually a symptom of a serious problem and happens, in most cases, due to an infection by fungi or bacteria, which accumulate in the taste buds of the tongue. It is for this reason that the black tongue is also, almost always, accompanied by the sensation of hair growth on the tongue, which is nothing more than the slightly elongated taste buds.

Thus, it is always important to consult a dentist or a doctor when this change in the color of the tongue appears, to diagnose the problem and start treatment, which may include the use of antifungal drugs in the case of a yeast infection.

Because it is a relatively common problem, especially in people who have poor oral hygiene, black tongue can also be known as hairy black tongue disease.

What can make the tongue black

Since the black tongue arises from the accumulation of fungi or bacteria in the papillae of the tongue, it is more common in situations of:

  • Poor oral hygiene: this allows the excessive development of bacteria and fungi, since they are not removed with the brush. For this reason, it is always important to brush your tongue after brushing your teeth. See the most correct technique for brushing your teeth; Low saliva production: in addition to helping with food intake, saliva also eliminates dead tongue cells, preventing the accumulation of fungi and bacteria; Liquid diet: in addition to saliva, solid foods also remove some dead cells from the tongue. Thus, when a liquid diet is made, these cells can accumulate, facilitating the development of fungi and bacteria.

In addition, the regular use of some medications, such as antidepressants or some antihistamines and antihypertensives, can make your mouth drier and also lead to the development of a black tongue. The bismuth salicylate and Pepto-zil compound can also interact with saliva substances and form a compound that accumulates and makes the tongue black, being resolved only with the suspension of the medication.

Because the tongue seems to have hair

Generally, the taste buds are pink in color and have a very small size that prevents them from being observable with the naked eye, however, due to the accumulation of fungi or bacteria, these papillae can change color and become more elongated due to the accumulation of dead cells, fungi and dirt.

However, there are people who may have a more marked change in tongue color than others, appearing to have more hair. This usually happens due to habits like smoking or drinking too much coffee during the day.

How the treatment is done

In most cases, no specific treatment is required for the black tongue, it is only advisable to perform more adequate and regular hygiene of the tongue to eliminate excess dead cells and microorganisms. Generally, it is advisable to wash twice a day and, therefore, it is common for the symptoms to disappear after about 1 week.

However, if the black tongue does not disappear it is best to go to the dentist or general practitioner to identify the cause. For example, in case it is caused by the use of some medication, it is necessary to change that medication or, at least, adjust the treatment dose.

In addition, some doctors may also recommend an antifungal medicine or an antibiotic to try to eliminate microorganisms more quickly and speed up treatment.

Other possible symptoms

In addition to the visible alteration of the tongue, the black hairy tongue can also lead to the appearance of other symptoms such as:

  • Slight burning sensation on the tongue; Metallic flavor; Bad breath.

Due to changes in taste and breath, some people may also experience constant nausea, not representing any gastric problems.

Hairy black tongue: possible causes and treatment