Home Bulls 7 Benefits of tea tree oil

7 Benefits of tea tree oil


Melaleuca alternifolia, also known as tea tree, is a tree native to Australia, with thin bark and elongated leaves, which can reach about 7 meters in height. Its importance is related to the use of oil, which is produced from leaves, from which essential oils with important properties are obtained.

Tea tree oil has antiseptic, antifungal, parasiticidal, germicidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which give it numerous benefits.

1. Antiseptic

Due to its bactericidal properties, tea tree oil is very effective in eliminating bacteria such as E. coli , S. pneumoniae , H. influenzae, S. aureus or other bacteria that can cause infections through open wounds. In addition, it will also speed up healing and reduce inflammation.

How to use

To disinfect a wound, for example, after washing it with soap and water, you can mix a drop of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of almond oil and apply a small amount of this mixture to the wound and cover it with a dressing. This procedure can be repeated once or twice a day until complete healing.

2. Improves acne

Tea tree tea reduces acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and its ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, such as Propionibacterium acnes, the acne-causing bacteria. Know all types of acne.

How to use:

To take advantage of the properties of this oil you can use a gel or a fluid with tea tree in the composition, or mix 1 ml of tea tree oil in 9 ml of water and apply the mixture in the affected regions, 1 to 2 times a day.

3. Treat nail fungus

Due to its fungicidal properties, tea tree oil helps to treat ringworm on the nails, and can be used alone or in combination with other remedies.

How to use:

A few drops of tea tree oil can be applied alone or mixed with another oil such as almond oil or coconut oil and applied to affected nails.

4. Anti-dandruff

Tea tree oil is very effective in treating dandruff, improving the appearance of the scalp and also calming itching.

How to use:

There are shampoos in the pharmacy that have tea tree oil in the composition that can be used daily. In addition, a few drops of this oil can also be added to a regular shampoo and use whenever you wash your hair.

5. Repels insects

This oil can also be used as an insect repellent, and it can be even more effective than the pharmacy products that have DEET in its composition. In addition, it can also be used to prevent lice infestation or to help eliminate it, and it also relieves the itching caused by these parasites.

How to use:

For lice, you can add about 15 to 20 drops of tea tree oil in the usual shampoo or apply the diluted oil directly to the scalp, massaging gently with your fingertips.

To ward off other insects, a spray can be made by mixing tea tree oil with other essential oils, such as washing or citronella for example and diluting with almond oil.

6. Treat athlete's foot

Athlete's foot is a ringworm of the foot that is difficult to treat, even with the use of antifungal drugs. Complementing the treatment with tea tree oil can help improve the results and shorten the treatment. In addition, it also improves the symptoms of diseases such as itching and inflammation.

How to use:

A good home remedy for ringworm on the foot is to mix half a cup of tea with arrowroot powder and half a cup of baking soda tea and add about 50 drops of tea tree oil. This mixture can be applied once or twice a day.

7. Prevents bad breath

Tea tree oil helps to fight microorganisms that cause cavities and bad breath, due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

How to use:

To make a homemade elixir, just add a drop of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water, mix and rinse for about 30 seconds.

In addition to these benefits, tea tree oil has many others, such as reducing mold growth, relieving psoriasis, deodorant, healing and anti-inflammatory.

When not to use

Tea tree oil is for external use only and should not be ingested because it is toxic orally. In addition, when used on the skin, it must be diluted, especially in people with sensitive skin, to avoid skin irritation.

Possible side effects

Tea tree oil is generally well tolerated, however, although it is rare, side effects such as skin irritation, allergic reactions, itching, burning, redness and dryness of the skin can occur.

This oil is toxic if ingested, it can cause confusion, difficulty in controlling the muscles and making movements and can also cause decreased consciousness.

7 Benefits of tea tree oil