Home Bulls Home remedies for bitter mouth

Home remedies for bitter mouth


Two great options for home remedies that can be prepared at home, at a low economic cost, to combat the feeling of bitter mouth are to drink ginger tea in small sips and use the homemade spray of flaxseed chamomile whenever necessary.

Other common discomforts in those who have a dry mouth sensation are thick saliva, burning on the tongue, needing to drink liquids when eating due to the difficulty in swallowing dry food. These home remedies are indicated against all of them.

1. Ginger tea

An excellent home remedy for dry mouth is to take ginger tea, in small sips several times a day, because this root stimulates the production of saliva and also has a beneficial effect on digestion, which is another problem associated with dry mouth. To make tea you need:


  • 2 cm of ginger root 1 liter of water

Method of preparation

Place the ginger root and water in a pan and boil for about 10 minutes. When warm, strain and drink several times during the day.

2. Chamomile spray with flaxseed

Another great home remedy effective in combating dry mouth is to prepare an infusion of chamomile with flaxseed that can be used throughout the day, whenever you feel the need.


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How to make

Add the chamomile flowers in 500 ml of water and bring to a boil. Put out the fire and reserve filtered.

Then you should add the flax seeds in another container with 500 ml of boiling water and stir for 3 minutes, filtering after that period. Then just mix the two liquid parts and place in a container with a spray bottle and keep in the refrigerator.

Dry mouth is very common in people over 60 years of age and can appear as a side effect of drugs against Parkinson's, Diabetes, Arthritis or Depression, for example, or due to radiation therapy in the head and neck. Xerostomia, as it is called, can increase the incidence of cavities in addition to making it very difficult to swallow food and therefore it is important to adopt strategies to increase salivation and combat the feeling of dry mouth, improving the individual's quality of life.

Home remedies for bitter mouth