Home Bulls Diseases that change the color of baby poop

Diseases that change the color of baby poop


Changes in milk, intestinal infections or problems in the baby's stomach can cause changes in the stool, and it is important that parents are aware of the characteristics of the baby's poop, as it can indicate changes in the child's health status.

Thus, it is important to consult the pediatrician whenever sudden changes in the stool appear, especially when accompanied by other symptoms such as decreased appetite, vomiting or irritability, so that the baby is evaluated and starts the appropriate treatment right away.

1. Color of the stool

Changes in the color of the baby's stool are related to the speed with which the food passes through the intestine, the type of food or health problems, as shown below:


The yellow color is normal in babies' poop, especially those that are fed only breast milk. When fed with milk formula, the stools are dark yellow, more turned to brown. Thus, yellow poop should only be a source of concern when in the form of diarrhea.


The green color appears in the baby's feces mainly in the first week of life or when he is fed exclusively with breast milk, then having a light green color. However, this color can also be due to the presence of infection, change of milk, intolerance to some food or use of medicines. See more at: What can be baby green poop.

In addition, if the poop is green and shiny with a foam texture, it may be a sign that the baby is feeding only with the beginning of the breast feeding, which is composed especially of water.

What to do: If they appear after the second week of life or if the shade of green becomes stronger, you should see your pediatrician to identify the cause of the problem. If the feces are green and foamy, the baby should be allowed to dry the entire breast before changing breasts, as this is the only way he will be able to ingest the milk fat and calories necessary for healthy growth.


They can indicate problems of poor digestion due to lack of bile, a liquid produced by the liver that helps digest dietary fats and which is responsible for the dark color of the stool.

What to do: If this color persists for more than 2 or 3 days, you should see your pediatrician, as the baby may have a liver problem and end up losing weight due to poor digestion.


They can occur due to increased intake of foods such as beets, beans or blackberries. However, red stools can also be a sign of blood in the intestinal tract, which can be caused by problems such as intestinal infection, constipation, hemorrhoids or food allergy, so it is necessary to see a pediatrician soon. See other causes here.

What to do: If the red color is not due to the increased intake of dark foods, you should immediately seek medical attention to identify the presence and cause of intestinal bleeding.

Dark brown

It may be a sign of blood due to lesions in the intestinal tract or due to the presence of sores in the mother's breasts, which may end up causing the baby to ingest blood.

In addition, the dark brown color can also be a sign that the baby is taking dietary supplements such as iron, which end up darkening the stool.

What to do: In case of using supplements, the change in color is normal and you should only observe if the stool improves after the medication is finished. However, the dark color does not present an apparent cause, it is important to seek the pediatrician soon to try to identify the problem.

Thus, the important thing to remember is to be aware of changes in the baby's stool and its rate of intestinal transit, as sudden changes or accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, pain, swelling and irritation, may indicate the presence of diseases.

2. Amount of feces

The amount of baby's stool varies according to the type of food and age, with bowel movements common after each meal or up to 2 times a week.

In general, newborns fed exclusively with breast milk usually poop after each feeding, but this frequency decreases after about 3 to 6 weeks, due to the maturation of the mother's milk.

However, one should be attentive and seek the pediatrician if the amount of feces suddenly decreases, without any apparent reason or changes in the child's diet, as it may be an indication of a problem.

3. Consistency of feces

The normal consistency of the baby's stool is pasty, but it is common for children fed with powdered milk to have more consistent stools or with small lumps, as the milk formula is more difficult to digest than breast milk.

However, sudden changes in consistency may indicate health problems such as:


The stools are lesser and have the form of small hard balls, and pain, stiffening of the belly and cracks in the anus may also appear, due to the difficulty in defecating.

Constipation can indicate dehydration, change in milk tolerance or increased consumption of foods that are difficult to digest, such as seeds, beans and corn.

What to do: Give the baby more water and see if the consistency improves. In addition, if the child already eats solid foods, try to offer more cooked fruits and vegetables to increase the amount of fiber in the diet. However, if the constipation persists for more than 3 days, the pediatrician should be consulted. See other signs at: Signs of dehydration in children.


It is characterized by the occurrence of at least 3 more liquid stools than normal, and can indicate problems such as virus infection or allergy to milk or some food.

What to do: Offer the baby plenty of water to avoid dehydration and provide easily digestible food if the baby already eats solids, such as corn porridge, chicken or cooked rice. It is also important to see your doctor to assess the cause of the diarrhea, especially if there is also a fever or vomiting or if the baby is less than 3 months old. See more at: How to treat baby diarrhea.

Diseases that change the color of baby poop